Part 1- HEAR YE-

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Y/n pov

I was walking behind my brother and his roudy friends. Burr was my favourite out if the group had dreams but was queit too acheive them. Like me. "HERE YE -" we turn too see a small man on a pedastool reading of a peice of paper. Oh my god- i shouldnt be judging people by there cover but hes so- CUTE. Sorry but he just is (hey no breaking the 4 wall!)
Who are you person who speak in bold? (I am the author and im control what happens i dont give you premision too break the 4th wall! Or i will make samuel break your knee caps)
Jeez okay then.
I turn too my brother and his freinds too see most of them laughing but then i noitced that alex dude was gone "MY DOG SPEAKS MORE ELEGANTLY THAN THEE!" Shouted alexander . I just watched them argue for a whole 2 mintues before alex was pulled of by burr amd then people started too shout about a message and a saw seburry walk of we all started too walk away them still laughing. I really wanted too get too know that seburry "hey i think i dropped something-" i lied starting too run back too where seburry was

Samuel pov

I sat on the smallpedastool feeling like crying . Why was that dude so mean? I was trying too share my opinion. I was so ambbaressed . Evryone proabbly will avoid me now . Author why did you make my life so b- (SAMUEL I LOVE YOU BUT NO BREAKING THE 4TH WALL I LOVE YOU BUT I WILL STEAL YOUR KNEE CAPS)
Okay boomer-
I look up too see a women a cute one too : god forbid me im proabbly going too sin- GOD FORGIVE ME IM PROABBLY GOING TOO DO SOMETHING BAD BEFORE MARRIGE WITH THIS GIRL GOD HELP ME NOT FRICK UP-

Y/n pov

"Sorry about my brother and" his stupid freinds" i sat by him putting his hand on his back comferting him "its okay " he said giving a small smile "y/n mulligan" he shakes my hand "samuel seburry!" He said i could tell he had bright pink cheeks i quickly pulled iut a peice of paper with my adress on it and passed is seburry . "Send me letters?" He nodded smilling
"I will see you later then goodbye" he waved good bye too me as i walked too find the boys but i couldnt find them i did look evrywere but couldnt find them wnd it was getting dark oh sh-

Samuel pov

I stay on the pedastool for another half a hour just thinkng too myselth. I put the peice of paper and started too go home and i see y/n looking scared all by themselves "is evrything okay?" I walked towards her concerned "no i cant find where they went" i had a brilliant idea. God bless me with the luck for this too work "i could take you home? " i asked just trying too be helpfull
"Sure" she said smilling we started too walk

Herclus pov

I sat in the drawing room of our house waiting for y/n too come home she had been gone for ages . Is she okay? I see her with a boy- she gave the man a wave before he walked of and she walked imto the house looking happy. If what i think just happened happened im goung too tease her about it for the rest of her days . I waited behing the door of the room waiting for her too walk in. When she did i jumped out too scare her "BRAH" i shouted she flinched and i laughd "who was that dude" i asled being the protective big brother i was "who was who?" She asked "that small man who you waved too you he also looked like that dude who was on the pedastool." She started sweating "its none of your business!" I lewned on her shoulder "cmon you can share it with me " i said i made fake puppy eyes "pwease!"
"Fine-" she said crossing her arms "his name is Samuel-" i could tell her blushed "DID YOU HAVE SE-" she intturpted me "NO-" she said crossing his arms "THAT WOULD GO AGAINST HIS BELIFS AND IM NOT A IDOIT HER -" she said i giggled "i know i know-" i laughed "Well im telling alex-" i said smirking and running too write a letter too alex. Y/n chased me "YOU BETTER NOT! " she chased me and tried too pin me down but failed i successfully wrote the letter and quickly sent it. She face plamed in ambaresment

Alexnader pov

I recive a letter from Hercules saying that his stupid littke sister had a crush on that small idoit- in love with a preist!? HA . I instally smake my way too tehre house just too anoy the hell out of her with herc. When i arrived i knocked on the dorr too be amswerd by y/n ""so i heard you got a knew boyfreind". i was obviously still a little drunk also was Hercules.

Y/n pov

"Hes not my boyfreind!" Then a letter comes through from seburry aled quckly grabs it and reads it and laughs "THATS MINE" i try too grab it but alex is way too fast he started tlo read it out loud "MY DEAR Y/n ITS YOUR FREIND SAUMEL SEBURRY FROM EARLY I JUST WANT TOO TAKE THIS TIME TOO TELL YOU YOUR PRETTY" he read it out i blushed in ammbersmant "OOOOOO!" Herclused put his arm ound my shoulder "I T0LD YOU ALEXANDER HER BOYFREIND " alexander continued reading the letter "SORRY FOR GOING FAST BUT ITS JUST THE TRUTH YOUR SUPER NICE AMD SWEET AND I HOPE YOU WRITE BACK
YOURS SINCERLY SAUMEL SEBURRY!" I was able too snatch the letter of him blushing "THATS ENOUGH!" I shout i decied too go too my room to write back.
Dear samuel
Thank you for the compliment even though its not true. I also think you are buetiful and sweet. I would love too heremore about your veiws on the revaluation. If if loads of people dont agree i think is interesting too hear stuff from diffrent peoples veiws
Yours sincerly
Y/n mulligan.

I go down stairs too see my brothers so drunk taht they had passed out i just sighed and proceed too send the letter-(i proabnly should stop writting but im ADDICTED SOMEONE HELP)


i wake up and reads the new letter from y/n and i blush . She so cuteeeeee. I hold the letter close too my chest smilling . I was a little busy so i placed the letter on the table and i get ready , i hear a knock on my doorr. I go answer standing there are alexnader hamiltion and his stupid freind . Before i could slam the door in there face they ran into my house . "what the heck " they ran in picking up the letter and quickly reading it . I ran too them. Tryed too catch the letter from the tall one hands but i couldnt reach i was too short. "dont read that'' i shouted blushng of ambaressmant
"See i told you theve deffintly had s—''' i blush even more "no we didnt!"i shouted ambarsessed
After a full hour of arguing they finnaly left i just sat down and sent a leter too y/n asking for her too comee over. From wich she did . I opened the door and saw her amd she gve m a hug wich made me blush. Does this mean where dating? Oh my gosh- we talked in the garden until it got dark . We got even firter and fliter as the night went on .

Time skip too morning.

I woke up with y/n in my arms i blushed . God please forgive my sin for doing this before marrige. Yu know what screw that! Ive got a girlfreind

Okay ive written too much like. 1361 Is alot ive been writtin for hours ishould stop i hope you like this story bye love all ya

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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