The Beginning

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Hi, I'm Jane. Jane Arkansas to be exact, and this is my story. Not some bullshit excuse of how Jeff tried to kill me. You want to hear the real story? Then if I were you, I'd stick around cause shit is about to get real. Here it is, from the beginning.

The Beginning

It all started when the people were moving in across the street. I was searching for any people my age when I saw a boy with reddish hair step out of the car. He seemed shy and innocent.

"Liu, come over here and help get the stuff in the house," yelled someone from the back. So his name is Liu. Liu started walking to the back of the truck and I went to grab my towel, for I had the intention to meet the new neighbors. That's when he stepped out. His shaggy black hair over his eyes. His bright blue eyes. He had his headphones in as if trying to drown the world out. He looked up and was examining the house and we locked eyes. He smirked shyly and I backed away from the window blushing feircley.

"Think I might actually like these ones," I said to myself as I walked into the bathroom. I shut and locked the door and threw my towel over the railing closest to the shower. I turned on the shower and the room became warm and inviting. I got undressed and stepped in.

"Ah..." I sighed as I stood in the water soaking up the heat. "This should be a good day.


I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel and dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my torso. I unlocked the door and opened it and walked to my room.

"What to wear, what to wear," I whispered to myself.

I searched through my drawers and closet for something decent.

"There isn't anything!" I said throwing myself back onto my bed.

"What's wrong Jane?" My mother yelled up the stairs.

"There's nothing I can wear to go meet the neighbors today."

"Introduce yourself tomorrow at school. I just went over to say hi and they will be attending your school, dear."

"Yeah, OK. Thanks mom."

I threw my hair up in a bun and went to look for something comfortable to wear. I found a large hoodie and some sweats and walked downstairs and walked to the kitchen.

"Smells good. Bacon?"

My dad chuckled. "Morning Jane, and yes bacon."

I smiled and walked to the fridge to get some milk and grabbed a glass.

"So you see those new neighbors across the street?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, I was going to say hi to the later, but had nothing decent to wear."

"Oh I see. I think mom has some clothes in the dryer downstairs."

"Mom said wait till tomorrow at school."

"That works too," he said taking some bacon out of the pan and setting it on a plate covered with paper towel. I reached over and stole a few pieces and grabbed my glass. I walked upstairs to my room and sat on my bed. I ate my bacon and took a drink of my milk and grabbed my sketch book.

"What should I draw?" I asked my stuffed animal laying on my bed by my pillow. I threw myself back slowly on my pillow and threw my pencil across the room.

"Jane. Stop throwing stuff," mom said from across the hall.

"Sorry just can't think of anything to draw."

I set my sketch book on my nightstand and layed back down and grabbed my phone and texted my best friend Jessica.

Me: Hey, new people across the street. Pretty cute 2

Jessica: Really? Scale 1-10

Me: 8.9

Jessica: Dang, they seem cute.

Me: Mhm, the go to our school too. They start 2moro

Jessica: Really? Awesome!! Well, I gtg. Ttyl Jane

Me: See ya Jess.

And with that, I put my phone back on my nightstand and tossed to my side and my eyes started getting heavy. I closed my eyes then they snapped open And looked at the clock.

7:57 pm

"Whatever. I'm going to have a long day tomorrow. Better get some rest." And with that, I let my eyes close and I fell into a deep sleep.


To be continued..

New book. Hope you guys enjoy it. Anyways, I'll let you get to chapter two. Enjoy!!!

Texts with best friends, new neighbors, and no outfits,,


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