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[Author's Note]
Hey guys. Before this fanfiction starts, I need to warn you. While my page is only mature enough to handle curse words, the content is going to get more mature in this story. I also wanted to give you a guide on who talks/thinks. This also includes the P.O.V text.
Nightmare - Bold text.
Ink - Italic.
Error - Underlined text.
The setting is in an alternate version of Snowdin, I just didn't describe it much. That being said, I hope it clears and confusion you may have. Without further ado, enjoy!
{Ink's P.O.V}
Crunch, crunch, crunch..
I trudged through the snow, my feet growing numb from the frost. I gripped my paintbrush in my hands and I crouched, looking in any crevice I could find. I had been trying to contact Dream for days, and with no answer, I was growing more worried. It wasn't natural for me to feel for others, but Dream was my friend. I had known him for so long, what kind of friend would I be if I wouldn't try and look?
I heard a branch snap. 'Someone else is here,' My mind regarded as I ducked behind the cluster of trees next to me. Holding my paintbrush close, I listened. Were those..footsteps? They were heavy, letting me know it definitely wasn't Dream. The prince had light, soft footprints, last time I recalled. The footprints reminded me of someone..big. I gulped. Whoever it was was definitely differentiable between friend and foe; and I was quite aware of that fact. I heard my own breathing grow deeper as I clutched the enormous paintbrush. I lightly brushed my hand against my tawny scarf as I fiddled for something in the dark. I finally found the red vial from within my sash. As I popped off the lid, a spicy and burnt aroma filled my nose. (Nose hole..? Fuck it, you probably get what I mean.) I started to chug some, twisting the lid back on afterwards. As the expressive liquid filled my tongue, I felt myself grow agitated.
I held my breath as I heard more noise, the sound of them getting closer and closer started to flicker into my hearing. My head perked up. Nothing could be heard anymore. My shoulders eased, tension melting from my bony fingertips. Had whoever it was left the AU? No, that was impossible. I hadn't heard a portal open..I scratched my head, confusion blossoming in my eyes. I listened for a few more moments, slowly creeping forward.
"Huh..guess they must've left. See, Ink? It was just you overreacting again. Now, time to go find D-" I was abruptly cut off my a snapping branch. I turned around to face my mortal enemy.
"Surprise~" Error chuckled. I felt strings start to wrap around my legs. With the last bit of freedom I had, I slapped him with my brush, momentarily stalling him. If I was going down, I wasn't going down without a fight.
The glitch stumbled backwards, using the strings to balance himself. The strings tightened, making me whimper. "OW! Error, stop it!" I sent a splash of  pink paint in his direction. It plastered over the side of his face, blinding the glitched hobo. Error signs started to cloud in his eye-sockets, blinding him even more to my advantage.
"Augh! Stop resisting!" Error said, having enough. He flung me over, throwing me into the wall. I felt my inky blood drip down my head, my skull throbbing. "Bye-bye," He said, looming over my body, a sinister smile spread on his face. With a final blow, I felt myself grow weak. With a soft laugh, I passed out.

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