Week one [Rogers POV]

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[Roger's POV]
After a such long day of grieving, I finally find the time to rest on my lovers grave stone. *Crying softly*, I feel a hand on my shoulder, *jumps and quickly looks around*, only to find nothing there. I take a second to think than I kisses the top of his grave and getting up, heading back home to where the disaster happened. *goes to the bed and lay down* "R: fuck.." *Signing and looking over to Brian's side of the bed which was the place Brian took his last breath...*

After a bit of time watching the tv I decides to turn everything off and call it a day, *cuddling into Brian's favorite pillow and smelling Brian's old cologne* "R: goodnight, my love" *sniffles while holding the pillow tightly*. *shivers*. *jumps up quickly and looks around the room* "R: Bri?- no, don't be delusional Rog.. He's gone" *holds himself* *feels a familiar warmth*. "B: Stop it Roger, don't- you're not going crazy" I look up and sees Brians face. Tears quickly fill my eyes while just staring at him.. "B: Roggie, I love you..." Hearing his voice just makes me feel more, and more heart broken. "R: Please come back-" watching him go away as quickly as he came. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight..

Calling over a friend was a good idea, she's been so kind and helpful, and really sweet. I'm pretty sure Brian doesnt like her though..
*wakes up quickly* *looks around* "R: Dom? *gets up and looks around* "R: Dom are you here??" I look around some more and heads to the kitchen. I find a note which just breaks my heart even more.

<Dear Roger,
I'm so sorry I half to leave like this, I just feel unsafe in your house and it's very hard to sleep at night, I really hope you're well enough to take care of yourself, I love you and wish you the best.
P's. You should probably get some more food, everything's gone rotten>

Tears flood my eyes at the knowledge of losing a friend and having to go outside. I hold back my tears and put on some sweat pants and jacket, heading out into the open world for the first time in 4 days. *drives to the local super market* *feels a hand on his hip and quickly looks behind him* "nothing again..." I continue on my path and head back home. Barricading myself inside my house for the remaining of the week.

[damn 👀 this kinda sad doe. .. It'll get better, I swear 😅. I'll update tomorrow. Goodnight and have a wonderful rest of your day ✌️❤️☺️ -John]

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