Chp 2-Jellyfish

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•Louis' POV•

"Lou," a soft voice calls. I feel someone's hands gently shake my shoulders.

"No, too tired," I mumble, regretting staying up late last night.

"We're here," the voice says.

I slowly open my eyes and let them adjust to the bright mid-afternoon light. I see Niall in front of me, a giddy smile plastered on his face.

"C'mon!" he exclaims eagerly.

I follow him out of the van and find myself turning in all directions, drinking in the beautiful sight.

I marvel as my eyes wander over every little detail. There is a good sized beach house stood directly in front of me; it's painted the color of the light blue sky, with white shutters and a tan deck sat between it and the beach shoreline covered in white sand and shells. The blue ocean waves lap up the shore, stopping about thirty yards in front of the house. A netted hammock sits on the deck, as well as a grill, five wooden beach chairs, and a woven rug.

I quickly grab my suitcase from the van and lug it to the deck. Then I look over the railing at the ocean. Small seagulls soar in the distance, and every now and again I can just make out their faint chirps. Farther out by the horizon, a couple dolphins jump out of the water as they travel across the sparkling waves. The sun beats down on the sand, causing little crabs to scurry along.

A wave of excitement rushes over me and I can't wait to enjoy this vacation. Jason interrupts my thoughts with a cautious, "Ahem."

I turn to face him, as do the other lads and he says, "I've got to head back. But you lads enjoy the place."

I nod and thank him. Harry asks him if he'd like a drink or food or to use the toilet before he leaves, but he says no thank you and drives away.

"I can't wait!" Niall exclaims, trying to lug his heavy suitcase through the thick sand and onto the deck. I see that he's struggling so I offer, "Here, let me help, Ni."

"No! I can do it," he pants.

"Okay," I chuckle. Liam, Zayn and Harry carry their luggage into the house and take a second to look around. I wait for Niall who finally makes it to the deck with a triumphant grin and we walk in as well.

In front of us is the living room complete with two couches, two arm chairs, a t.v., and radio. To the right is the kitchen and to the left is a bathroom as well as stairs leading upstairs to where the bedrooms probably are.

We head upstairs and not to my surprise, find three rooms, each with a king sized bed.

"I call sleeping with Niall!" Harry calls.

Zayn and Liam claim the other room.

I reluctantly get the last room all to myself. It'll be nice to have the room and bed all to myself, but I'm not going to lie, I kind of wish I had a cuddle buddy.

After putting our luggage into the bedrooms, we head back downstairs and decide on something to do.

"I don't know about you lot, but I'm going to take a nice, long nap," I say as I flop onto the couch.

"I told you not to stay up late," Liam scolds.

I close my eyes and feel the sleep intruding on my body.

"Oh, no you're note along asleep on us!" Zayn argues. "We're going to explore the place!"

"What? I can't hear you, I'm sleeping," I say in a monotone voice.

He repeats himself even though everyone knows I heard him. "We're going exploring."

"No," I whine.

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