Chapter 1

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The beginning of my story starts on September 18, 2020. Me by the way my name is Jo, and my friends Zoe, and Lindsey were all talking, us being in the 12th grade we had to leave school and go to college next year, we were talking about the collages we were going to apply to this year. I wanted to apply to Yale, Harvard, and University of Oxford. Zoe wanted to go to Harvard and only Harvard if she didn't get in she has been wasting her whole life for nothing. And Lindsey honestly didn't care where she went to collage, as long as it has a good acting program. We were mid sentence when our Psychology teacher walked in, Mr.KC (Kastin-Cope)was his name he said, "Good Morning class welcome back from Summer Vacation, and Congrats on making it to your last year of school. Today we will learn about human behavior."

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