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Hey guys, thank you for reading My book <3

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Hey guys, thank you for reading
My book <3

I have rewrote chapter 28, so if you are confuse with this chapter then check that out first.
Nora's P.O.V

I wake up due to the sunlight falling on my face. I was in my room. How did I get back? I got flashbacks from last night. Did Elijah saved me? I must have passed out. Ugh, my head was pounding hard. I get up from the bed and get into the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I was wearing the same clothes from last night. I went closer to the cupboard and change my clothes. I am such a stupid girl, Elijah must have thought that i am dumb and cannot take care of myself. Why did Jane leave? It's her fault. Maybe it was my fault, I shouldn't have drank too much. Then I would have been able to focus. I cannot blame anyone. Thank god, today is Saturday, it means I can take rest. I tie my hair and ran downstairs. My sister left, she was with grandparents. My mom was sitting on the couch, watching television. She heard my footsteps and turn around.

"Hey, how are you feeling now? Last night you were a mess" she asked. I smile at her.

"Feeling much better, what happened last night? How did I came here?" I said.

"Elijah came and leave you here, safely. He said that you called him and he told me to take care of you" she said. I felt my cheeks turned red. Did he really say that? I am embarrassed. I didn't want to call him, it was an accident.

"Oh by the way, this is for you. Dr. Arthur has send this for you" said mom. She handed me a gift. It was pretty heavy. It look like a box. I was curious so I quickly unwrapped it. To my surprise it was a laptop. He gift me a laptop? That's unbelievable. My old laptop was in a very bad condition, he might have seen it. I always needed a new laptop.

"Oh my god, mom, did he really? I am so happy" I said. I was really happy. I couldn't believe he had given me a laptop.

"Now, why dont you thank him?" Said mom. I hug and nod. This is the best gift I have received.

I went into the kitchen. I make some coffee for myself. I took some bread from the table and as I was walking back to my room, I saw a huge flower bouquet. It was not the one that Jane gave me. It had a strong smell of lily, Though it was dandelions. Weird.
"Mom, who gave this flowers?" I asked. She looked at me.

"Oh sweety, it was sent by an anonymous person, no name was written" she said. Anonymous? Why would a person will give me flowers and not even mention their name? I don't even like dandelions. I glance at the bouquet again and left. I get inside my room and slam the door shut. I sit on my bed. I unlocked my phone and saw a message from Jane.

Jane: Hey sorry it was not my fault last night. I search for you but couldn't find you. By the way, How did Elijah know that you were at the club?

Nora: it was your fault. You were no where to be found. I accidentally called Elijah, nothing else.

I replied her. I kinda think it was my fault too. I then texted Elijah a 'thank you'. I know he would not even see that. It's ok if he ignore me, I am such a stupid girl. I shouldn't have called him in the first place. After few minutes my phone beeped. It was a message from Elijah. He actually saw my message and replied. That was really amusing. I thought he will not even check my message.

Elijah: why did you lied about your birthday? I am not a monster, I would have understand that you want a day off.

Ugh, I actually wanted to avoid him and the office workers. I thought he would not give me a day off. He look like the person who works on his birthday. What should I text now? I am screwed. I just replied him saying 'sorry'. I didn't had a choice. I don't even want to argue with this guy. I cannot even keep a little privacy. I sighed and scroll through my phone. I posted some birthday picture on my Instagram. It was not some epic birthday but still it was perfect. I mean at least i had fun and that's what matters.

I started noting down this amazing day in my journal. I don't always write but I like to capture some amazing moments. After an hour, my mom knock on my door. She came inside.

"Honey, I completely forgot, this letter came in mail last night with the bouquet. It has your name on it, so I didn't open it" said mom. I took the letter from her hand. Now a days nobody sent letters. The person could have sent me a message or emails. There was no name on the letter. I don't even know who has sent it, just like the bouquet. Why would the person will hide their name. It had the similar smell of lilies.

"Ok sweety, goodnight" said mom.

"Goodnight" I said. She kissed my forehead and left.

For some reason the letter was giving me bad vibes. I didn't wanted to open it. But curiosity kills the cat. The smell was really weird, I have never smell lily of this kind. I don't get it. I somehow tear open the letter. It was not a letter it was more likely a warning. What I saw, sent shivers down my spine. It says,

''My Sweetheart, I Am Coming For You''

Is this a prank? Why would somebody wrote that? I don't believe this. I am damn sure this is a joke. It can't be real. Some sick people loves to play pranks like this. I laugh at it. It is really funny. How can someone do this lame prank? I know it must be a friend from school or college. They knew that it was my birthday yesterday and they had to play this sick joke. What if Jane send this? Jane can do this type of shit. At least the person makes my day. I laugh and went to sleep. I know I was laughing about it but somewhere inside me I was screaming because I was scared. They say there is no darkness but only ignorance. What if I am ignoring something, But it is right in front of me, to notice.

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