Getting the job

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"you have to be ready for anything. The business I do is hardcore, and some of it-" he smirks. "May be illegal." He finishes. "Sound great to me." You say and smile at the man sitting in front of you, a man well know as Jim Moriarty. He was hiring for a new personal assistant, because something happened to the other one.. No one knows but him. "The job requires all of you. Every living piece of you must be devoted to me." He murmurs, setting down his cup of tea. "I understand fully sir." You reply. "No no no no no, you can call me Jim." He says, a hint of a smile creeping up on his face. Was he hitting on you? As he moves closer to you, you slide your wheeled office chair away from the desk. "Um, okay, Jim..." He grips the armrests with both hands and keeps his face inches from yours. Uh, alrighty this was all very strange. You use your legs to propel off the desk yourself away from him. "So can I get an idea of how long an everyday workday, um, schedule." You say, uncontrollably flipping through pages of notes an documents. He puts his hands on yours to stop them from flittering, making you look up into his big eyes. "The job is yours." He says and backs away from you to shake your hand. But when you place your hand in his, he raises it to his mouth and tenderly kisses it. Your heart was beating out of control at that point, you were holding your breath, and you swore you felt so in love right in that moment. He gently lowers both his and yours hands, but continues to keep a steady but gentle grip on you. You felt safe. Warm. Protected. And so, so in love. "Thank you." You say and he releases his hold on you to let you grab your things.

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