Chapter 1

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Y/n and jennie were hanging out when Y/n got a call from Eun-bi and answered. Soon Eun-bi came to their house to stay. Eun-bi has shared her story. They both felt bad for Eun-bi, she didn't deserve to be left like that. A couple of days later, Eun-bi shares her experience with this new man she encountered. Y/n felt a little jealous, Eun-bi was able to easily attract men while the love of Y/ns life wouldn't even pay attention to her. Y/n was a little sad but did not dare to show it to Eun-bi or jennie. Instead, she just chose to support Eun-bi and her decisions. Y/n then found out Eun-bi even had a date and needed money. Y/n didn't have much to give her so it was up to jennie to give Eun-bi the money instead. Y/n who was feeling frustrated about her situation decided to go on a blind date, and hopefully get her loves attention. On the day of the blind date, she put on a casual dress and some flats and went out with her best purse. She sat down at a cafe and waited for her date. Soon after a man came, he was on some causal outfit.
"Hi my names Jackson wang" 
"Hi it's nice to meet you"
They talked for a while and went for a stroll at a park. Jackson soon took Y/n home and then went on his way. Y/n just wasn't convinced on whether she liked him or not. The next date happened and they both went out to a bar. Y/n felt a little awkward and decided to get rid of that with a bit of alcohol.
She became extremely drunk and blacked out. She woke up in her house confused with many missed calls from her love: Jeon wonwoo. She was so dang confused and listened to all his voice mails.
"Why did you call me? Hello??"
Y/n became extremely red from embarrassment and wouldn't dare to answer back. She just left it like that. She got a text from jackson asking to meet later and she accepted his invitation. She went out and decided to sip on soda for being so embarrassing the past day. She then woke up in her room again. What the hell? She blacked out once again. But she didn't drink this time. She once again saw many missed calls from won-woo. She even saw a text from him.
"This is the second day you do this... you ok?"
She scrolled down and found a text from Jackson as well:
"Are you ok? You kept drinking last night as well? Is something wrong?"
She was so confused... did she really drink? But she doesn't remember drinking??? She went ahead and called Jackson.
"Pls tell me exactly what happened last night!"
"Why is something wrong??"
"Please just tell me"
"Nothing much, we went out and you started asking the bartender for drinks, you kept calling someone?? Told them off or some thing and I took you home before you drank anymore"
"Okay thanks"
She hung up. Why would she do that?? She turned bright red from such embarrassment. She embarrassed herself twice. The next weekend she went out with Jackson again and was determined not to drink. She even brought a bottle of water as to keep herself from going to the bar (by going to the bathroom I guess). She went to the bathroom the first time but after returning she blacked out again. WHAT THE HELL??? She had bottled water though. She took her phone and noticed her lock screen changed, it was her and Jackson in a not familiar room. Where were they? This time she had no texts or calls from won-woo. Weird. She got a text from Jackson though.
"See you soon sweetheart."
Sweetheart? What the fuck. She didn't even remember agreeing to go out with him. But then there's the photo. Eun-bi was already gone with her new boyfriend namjoon at the moment so Y/n decided to share what was happening to jennie. jennie gave out her honest ass opinion.
"How can you not remember drinking? You've probably been roofied, you should really beware of this Jackson guy."
"You think?"
"If you were really drinking you wouldn't be blacking out before even taking your first drink"
"You might be right"
Y/n asked Jackson out for the next day.
met at a cafe and Y/n started asking.
"Are you roofing me?"
"Roofing you? No why would you think that?"
"Because every time I go out with you I black out"
"You drink a lot"
"I don't remember going to the bar"
"You must've blurred out the entire night"
"I don't think we should see each other anymore, maybe it's not healthy for me to keep drinking with you every time."
"Alright then"
Y/n felt ok but sad at the same time? Jackson was lowkey a hunk. The next few days Y/n goes out to various cafes and just thinks about life. One day, she drinks her drink and decided to call won-woo, he didn't answer. She goes to the bathroom and gets back to her drink and decides to go on a trip and find herself. She walks out of the cafe and then wakes up in a random ass room. Oooooh heeeelllll noooo. What the fuckkk. Y/n is concerned for herself and tried to find her phone but couldnt find it. She doesn't know where she is and is scared. She looks around and sees that her leg is cuffed to the bed. The door opens and it is revealed that Jackson is there. He walks up to Y/n and he shows her the phone is his hand. It's her phone. And the screen shows a text message to both Eun-bi and jennie:
"Hey guys I decided to wing everything and take a trip for a while and find myself, cya!!"
Jackson throws the phone and smiles at Y/n.
"Why are you doing this??"
"Because you kept getting hung up on whoever that dumb ass was. What was his name? won-woo?" Jackson laughs.
Jackson proceeds "YOURE going to forget all about him while you're here"

Hey guys! I know the first chapter might be boring but I promise it gets better!! Lots of grammar mistakes!! 😰 I'm trying!!

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