Chapter 4

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Mark was hugging me for sometime and then he released his grip over me. And for my surprise he placed his soft lips over mine and he kissed me. It was a passionate and long  kiss but i pulled back when i realised it was wrong.

"Mark!!!.... "

Not only me but also Mark was shocked after realising what he did seconds ago. I was staring at him trying to gather up my words to say something because the situation  kept getting awkward and embarrassing for myself and as well as him.
I cant blame Mark for what he did, i know he did it beacuse he was messed up pretty bad and didnt dare to speak about that. Mark was just trying to let out his emotions so that he wont get hurt anymore and thats why i guess he kissed me and nothing more.

"Hey Mark, are you okay , do you want some water or anything to drink. It will cool you down... " i said trying to break the ice between us.

"umm... yeah sure... water will do " he said slowly still in shock and confusion.


"What did i do! ... i hope she is not mad... whats wrong with me... this Lucy thing is driving me crazy..." i thought to myself after Sheshta left the room.

I felt bad for what i did, but i cant say sorry it wont be nice to say sorry  for a girl after kissing her of course unless i want to get killed by her hands...

My heart raced for a moment , but i didnt care much about it thinking its just a sensible feeling for everyone when you kiss. After a while Sheshta came in with a glass of water and an egg sandwich.


I placed the tray next to Mark where he was sitting and handed him the glass of water. And waited still he finished his sandwich. I felt bad for Mark. I stared up at the ceiling in Marks room and i spaced out.
At once Jackson popped into my mind ,his last visit at my place and i wondered how he found me.

"Sheshta! Hey Sheshta..." Mark was calling me and i snapped out.
"Yeah , sorry what is it?" I asked

"If you dont mind can you spend the night here at my place. I really don't want to stay alone today... please" he pleaded bring both his arms together and showing me a puppy face.

"What... you need me a normal girl to look after a baby werewolf... " i asked in a sarcastic way. I that made Mark smile a bit. I felt relaxed to see his old self even for a split second.

"Okay i'll stay... where is my room? " i asked

"Room? Oh this is the only bed i have. You sleep here ill sleep on the floor... no worries " Mark said.

"Okay dokey " i jumped onto the bed.

Both of us settled down on our own beds. And Mark started to talk.

"What was it you wanted to tell me on the phone Sheshta? " he asked curiously .

I didnt want to talk about that with Mark now so i said its nothing and its not a big deal.But he insisted and then i had to tell him everything the whole story about Jackson and  he visiting me and stuff. But i didnt say that he almost tried to kiss me. I dont know...

"How the hell did he get your address... what do you want me to do Sheshta... did he try to hurt you. If so please tell me ill pull his head off." He said in a angry tone.

"No it was fine , just a normal conversation " i said

After talking for a while my eyelids felt heavy and i dozed off and so did Mark.



I came back home after meeting the girl from the resturant. Why couldn't I kill her? Why did my heart start to beat fast when i leaned closer to her? Who is she? I was trying to find answers for all these questions which were running around my head the whole night.

I wanted to suck her blood out and kill her right there because i felt a bad vibe from her at the resturant. And the problem was i smelled werewolf scent near her and i wanted to make sure whether she is one too. One of the DOGS ofcourse. 
We as vampires never got along with werewolves one thing is they stink and we feel i dozen times bigger because vampires have shape sensors.

And if i get caught to one of them then technically my life is over.

The next morning i opened my eyes and tried to wake up but my body felt heavy , i couldn't lift myself off the bed. That was weird though.  After my sleepiness washed away i turned my head slowly the other side of the bed to see if i'm stucked to anything. I saw Marks face buried behind me  and his hand around my waist , he was fast asleep. I was pretty shocked.

"Oh god... he is too close , whats wrong with me why is my heart beating so fast. Its about to explode..."

I felt this feelings before when i was schooling , i had a huge crush on Mark. But i didnt dare to confess him , i thought it might ruin our friendship. And after time passed i got over with the whole crush thing. But now when he is acting so touchy touchy , im afraid it will turn back to a childhood crush feeling for me towards Mark.

I cleared my throat, thinking that he will wake up for the sound. But he didn't , i cleared my throat even louder.Then...

"Let me be like this baby with you for just five more minutes..." Mark whispered behind me.

My heart started beating even  faster. Whats wrong with him, doesn't he know its me. He might be dreaming for sure. I felt a bit uncomfortable when the fact he is dreaming ,crawled up into my mind. He might be thinking about Lucy right now , and that Lucy is me.

"Hya... Mark wake up..." I yelled .


I felt very uncomfortable sleeping on the floor, so i silently stood up and ckecked whether Sheshta was a sleep. And yes she was.
I slowly got on to the bed and layed next to her without making any noise. I had no choice because i couldn't fall asleep , i was not use to sleep on the floor for some reason.

I layed next to her and Sheshta's back facing towards me. My heart beated faster , i didnt know why and also i just broke up with Lucy why do i feel like this anyways.

My mind says its not a big issue , she is your bestfriend and its nothing.  But i felt it was something and its definitely not friendship.
So went with my instincts. I placed my hand on her waist and forced my eyes to sleep back hugging her. I felt happy that she is near me and that i am with her , hugging and sleeping close to her right at this moment.


Mark jumped off the bed and said sorry that he felt uncomfortable sleeping on the floor , so he came up. And mistakenly hugged me in sleep.
However we dispersed , i went and prepared breakfast while Mark hit the shower.

While i was preparing the breakfast , i received a call from work and they insisted me to come down to the precinct.
And yes im a detective , at IPD (Itaewon Police Department ). I hurried myself to get ready and i left a note on the table  for Mark .


What might be the emergency , will something mysterious roll to this peaceful town Itaewon. Cliffhanger... I hope this chapter was not boring and long. Thank you guys. Enjoy the rest...💜️

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