The experiments

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Let’s pretend you’re not reading this. No, better, let’s pretend I’m not writing this. Because honestly, it’ll make it easier for both of us. If they found out you even touched this journal, much less read it, you’d be in big, big trouble. Just like me.

Let’s start with the basics, shall we? My name is Finelle Garrison Brothers, Fin for short. I am a 14 year old female, my height is 5’3”, I have blonde hair and blue eyes, and I am one of the experiments. Hope that you will never, ever meet me. If you do, your fate is death.

I am running. From what, you ask? Well, the answer is complicated and simple; I’m running from everyone. If anyone who knew who I was saw even a glimpse of my face, every authority on this green earth would come running. But I have experience; 3 years of experience.

I thought escaping would be the hardest part. Boy was I wrong.  I wasn’t always alone though. He used to be with me. Aurane. He was like me. But they got him, and now, well, now he’s dead.  They murdered him. ‘For the good of society!’ They say. Filthy little liars. I guess that’s why they want me dead too. For the good of society.

Right now, I’m in some forest, on a tree branch. I’m just trying to find a place to go next. I pull out my map from a pocket on the inside of my jacket, unfolding it onto my lap. I was somewhere in Illinois, heading towards Lake Michigan. I like being near water, makes me feel better. I pull out my compass and see that I’m facing east. I hoist myself off the tree, landing on the ground with a muffled thud, and a branch breaks under my boot. I turn to my left and begin walking at a steady pace. My backpack thumps against my back softly, and my feet were as silent as could be in a forest full of twigs and foliage. I was trained to be silent, and Aurane helped me. I missed him, so much. But he was taken, while protecting me. I could feel the memories coming back, and I braced myself for the impact.

A noise came from behind us, and Aurane whipped around, his thick black hair whipping around him. I turned my head, just in time to see them, sprinting towards us. I screamed, jumping into the tree above me and bending  into a feral looking crouch, my teeth bared, and an inhuman growl ripping through my lips. Aurane looked up at me, his dark brown eyes showed defiance, but underneath, fear. He tapped his fingers against his thigh, our signal for ‘run’. I shook my head, but they were coming nearer, sprinting at full force. I leaped down, brought him into an embrace, whispering “I love you, Aurane.” I was gone within a split second, fighting against myself to not go back and try to help. I could hear his cry as he tackled the officials, but we both knew there were too many, even for one of us, his best chance would’ve been to run, but he was trying to buy me time to get away. The forest whipped past me as I pushed myself to maximum speed, silent tears falling down my face. Aurane. My love, my friend, my brother, my savior, my partner, my life. And they got him. I knew I was far enough, and began to slow down, I saw a large bush against a tree and crouched between them, pulling my legs in and sobbing. They took him, they took him, they took him…..

I cried out in pain as the emotions from that day ripped through my barrier, he was the only one that could. But he’s probably dead, I hope he is. Dead would be the best option. I slowed slightly, dropping to my knees. I wrapped my arms around my chest, taking deep breaths. Calm down Fin, you’re okay. You need to be tough. Weak is for the dead. After a few moments, I  could get back. I stretched uncomfortably; My claws had dug into my skin, causing slight pain.

Oh, did I mention?

I’m a hybrid.

We both are. Or, Aurane was.

That’s what they did to us. We don’t actually have parents, we were CREATED. Sick monsters. So we’re the results, I am a breed with a spotted jaguar. have a tail, claws, slit pupils,  deadly sharp canines,  tough strong legs, a pointed face, and my ears aren’t where a normal humans are, their more pointed, flexible, and towards the top. My hair is short; it never grows past mid neck. There’s no fur on my tail, it’s just skin, and almost always hidden. I’M almost always hidden. I only go into town for the few necessities, and then I have to cover up, with sunglasses, and a hat. NOBODY can recognize me, that would be dangerous.

Aurane was mixed with wolf. His features were pointed too, and his tail is short and its motions were more restricted. Other than that, he was quite similar to me, except for the eyes. Aurane’s were normal. I was always more paranoid than him, but he was wiser, being two years older.

We were in the same sector, and we’d bonded quickly, one of the few that could function. The failures were immense, and gruesome. Most would die after a couple days; the worst were the ones that lived until about age five, in constant pain and suffering. It was horrible to see them, and we were thankful everyday that we’d worked, but at the same time, we wished we were never ‘made’. We knew we weren’t natural, weren’t supposed to exist. The world would be better without us. But Aurane didn’t like me to think that way. He said self pity was for the weak, and weak was for the dead. Now, I don’t want to die. I want to live, because there has to be something to live for.

There’s always something to live for.



Yeah, I should be sleeping, but I had to post this. I'd written about half of this a couple weeks ago, and hadn't given it a second thought, but I came back, and I like it! And I just want you to remember, these characters aren't pretty. They're not some graceful mixture, with cute little fuzzy ears and tails and paws. They're horrible mixtures, that were lucky they even worked out. Just wanted to point that out ^^ Hope you guys liked it! PLLLEEEEAAAASE comment and tell me what you think!

Thanks for reading!


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