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What mark can I leave on this god-forsaken planet?
What could I possibly do to be remembered?

What happens after a person dies?
Their body and soul are crushed into dust, but their memories hold strong in the people that knew them.

But what about those who didn't know them? Those who were born too late to experience that soul?
Small memories are passed along of this soul, this being. But how long after death is too long for a simple soul in the sea of them to be remembered?

Why remember a soul for so long who did nothing with their life, but help others in subtle ways, barely changing them at all?

People are remembered through their actions, but what about their thoughts? What if someone became the most charitable person to ever live, but they did it only to be just that? Their actions were angelic, but their mind thirsted only for power and the compliments of others.

What actions are people remembered for? It's primarily creations. Many are remembered after death for their art or book or acting role, but those are far from the only things that could change a person's life for the better.

A friend who helps another persist in their pursuit of a legacy instead leaving it along with the terrors of the Earth isn't remembered long after they and the people they helped die. However, they held an entire life afloat. They saved a soul, but theirs did not fall into the niche of actions that are remembered for years and years after their death.

I want a legacy. I want to make a creation that people will see and smile and want to learn about who could have possibly made this wonder of an art piece. I want a legacy, so that even after I die, my life was one that will be remembered for decades after my soul has been crushed into dust and blown away by the wind.

And what happens after I make this piece of legacy? Do I make more? I doubt anything will ever be as wonderfully perfect. Do I make a family for the joy of experience? Or does my being get blown away instantly, knowing my legacy has been created and my chosen purpose fulfilled?

I wonder where the pursuit of this idea of a legacy will leave me. I don't doubt it'll leave me in the dirt, many others chasing it more skilled in running than I.

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