Chapter 1: RUN AWAY!!!

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Duncan huffed, leaning heavily on the nearby boulder. He shook his head, trying to clear away the tired haze from his mind.

Ugh, why wouldn't those kaiju just leave him be? Of course it was too much to ask for to finish the school year in peace! Of course! Why not have kaiju popping up every week to challenge him for something he didn't even want?

He bit back a growl and rolled his shoulders, wincing as he did so, trying to work out the kinks.

Ow. Still stiff. Fighting kaiju several hundred times your size wasn't exactly easy- he came out of the battles with quite a few scrapes and bruises, though thankfully nothing too serious. Besides, apparently he healed faster than normal humans, something his kaiju half was responsible for.

The blonde sat on the ground, stretching his arms over his head. Well at least after this fight he still had both his shirt and pants! It was rather nice of MEGTAF to have Dr. Pytel supply him with some fireproof clothing, the ones his mom had left were kinda getting, uh, ripped apart.

Apparently, fighting Kaiju is bad for clothing. It might be fireproof but it's not clawproof nor spikeproof.

He cocked his head, then closed his eyes and waited. With a disconcerting ripping sound (he was still trying to accept that as 'normal' for himself) his wings popped out. He stretched them out fully, enjoying the feel of the muscles and tendons pulling.

Settling more firmly against the stone, he left his wings out to soak up some sun rays as he surveyed the desert landscape. Early on, he'd found out that his wings were like solar panels- it felt great to leave them in the sun and it really gave him an energy boost sometimes.

Hmmm, maybe he could wait a bit before going home...he could use a break and it'd just be for a bit.... He nestled against the stone and shifted until he was comfortable, and his wings were soaking up the maximum amount of sunlight.

For a few moments, everything was peaceful as he lay against the stones, calm and content.

But who said that would last?


He yelped and jerked straight up, his wings flaring automatically as his eyes snapped open, wondering what on earth had landed on him?! He tensed as he saw the culprit- a Gomorradon in his lap blinking up at him innocently. It churred cutely.

"Hey." He frowned down at it, and nudged it to the ground. "Off."

It chirped and hopped back on. He nudged it off again. On. Off. On. Off. On.

He normally would've just smacked it off, but the sunlight on his wings made him feel a little more patient than normal (and warm). That and this was almost amusing.

So he played the little game of 'hop-on-and-push-off' with the scaly green critter, smiling at its chirps and chitters. Eventually though, he'd had enough and more firmly pushed it off.

To his surprise, it merely jumped upon his arm, latched on, and let out a high-pitched whistle noise.

Getting a little irritated with its persistence, he attempted to pry it off. When it held fast, he shook his arm up and down at a furious pace. It still clung to him and, when he stopped, licked him.

He froze and stared at it in astonishment. Did it just...? Seriously? What?

It stared right back and licked him again, then let out another whistle. This time, there was an answering call. Multiple and frighteningly close.

Duncan jerked his head up and looked around. He was surrounded by maybe seven more Gomorradons and all were staring at him intently.

"Woah..." He stood and attempted to back up, unnerved by their multiple gazes. "Uh, go home! Shoo! Leave me alone!" He growled, sweeping his wings forwards and showing off his clawed hands threateningly.

Attack of the Gomorradons and Belloc! (Duncans Bath Time!!)Where stories live. Discover now