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In a tranquil field of healthy growing wheat covering the wide fertile land underneath the painted sky stood a woman with her peculiar looking cube. She gazed at the colourful sky that vaguely reminded her of the testing gels mixing with one another on the floor of one of the test chambers she solved not too long ago. The clouds were thinly scattered across the heavens. The sun was preparing itself for the night that was about to come, lying across the horizon, the wheat obscuring it, preventing her to get a good glimpse of the sun. It was the sky that held her attention, its colours of blue and red fading into blackness as night slowly found its way in the night sky. The first few stars twinkled above her in different magnitudes of brightness, decorating the dully painted black void above her. The moon was starting to rise and she was briefly reminded of an experience she was almost welcome to forget. She shrugged the idea away. Lying on the soft ground, her cube placed beside her, she returned to adore what she had finally gained - her freedom.

Cara bel...

Cara mia bella mia...

Bambina, oh ciel...

The faint words of a goodbye lingered in her mind, for whatever reason, she did not know. The ability to grasp the meaning behind those words that she barely understood escaped her, but she knew that it sounded melancholic. The forlorn and gentle voice of the turret, reminiscent of Her voice, echoed in her head, giving her a sense of security she couldn't explain. The tune tarried in her mind, in her soul, a lullaby, escorting her to a deep sleep.

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