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💘 Fanfiction 💘


So there I was, standing in the middle of Times Square and my five favorite people in the whole wide world was only fifty feet away getting their pictures and within ten minutes I'll get to meet them. I was so happy back in July when I got these tickets to meet the sexy Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, and Zayn Malik, the five boys of the british-Irish boy band! Every girl in my school has dreamt about meeting them and now I get to live my dream. I'm seventeen not that much younger than the youngest, Harry Styles, who was eighteen but he was only a couple of months. Since he was about seven months older than Niall I was about the age of him and Niall. Anyways back to Times Square. Also, every girl dreamt about winning over their hearts. And I thought that I was pretty enough too, but than again so did every other girl. At this time, only three were taken and those three was Niall, Louis, and Zayn. So that left Liam and Harry for me to try to, and probably be unsuccessful, win over their hearts. Suddenly, the ten minutes were up. I got to meet the boys! The line started with Niall. After Niall it went Liam, Louis, Harry, and lastly but not least Zayn. I had reached Harry when all of the sudden I heard the rest of the boys besides Harry saying "oh look how red Harry is!" I looked down at Harry and sure enough he was beat red and had that adorable cheeky smile that I thought I would never see in real life. Instead of saying "hi" to me like he did to every other girl in front of me, he said "Hey there Beautiful" and winked his eye. I was there with my friend and she imeaditly took notice of Flirty Harry and told me to flirt back. So I did. But before I got to finish my sentence I felt two strong hands guiding me away from Harry. He screamed NO! And told them to let me stay for ten more seconds. During those ten seconds, he wrote down something on a piece paper and handed to me. The guards removed me. After I was back with my friend Valerie, I told her what happened. She flipped out! When we got back to my house, she told me to text that number. So I did and sure enough Harry Styles called me within twenty minutes. I asked him why he gave me his number and all he said was that he thought that I was beautiful and wanted to get to know me better. Him and I arranged a date at Madison Square Garden to chat before his big concert. We must have stayed there for three hours just talking and messing around because before I know it, it was dark and it was time for Harry to go and get ready for his concert. I turned to leave and he grabbed me by the shoulders and handed me back stage passes to his dressing room! He told me that he didn't want this day to end so he gave me concert tickets and backstage passes. After the concert I went backstage and straight to his dressing room. He must have ran back because no later than five minutes of me sitting there him and the boys bust through the door. The rest of the boys must not have known that Harry invited me because they seem shocked. Harry talked and they all seem okay with me being there. We all hung out after backstage for at least two hours. All the boys gave me their numbers, Harry seemed a little jealous but got over it real quick. I texted all the boys. Niall and I became really good friends, I considered him my best friend. Harry and I, over a period of one month, went on a plenty of "dates". Harry finally got up the courage to ask me out on November twenty-second. Best day ever! Him and I started dating and the boys found out. Soon the whole Twitter base found out. Some sent hate, which Harry took care of by blocking the people's hurtful comments, and some said that they were so happy. The only bad thing about dating Harry is that he had to go to Texas in January. He was supposed to go on December fifteenth but he got Paul to change the dates so he could spend Christmas and New Years with me. I figured Harry would've broke up with me, so he could go on tour. But he didn't. When he left in January all he said was that he was going to miss me and hate every second he couldn't be by me. Since Texas was his last venue, he asked the boys and Paul if they would stay in New York with him and fly out their families and girlfriends so that he wouldn't have to leave me. This I didn't know until like Febuary. They must have agreed because they were all at my house on Febuary first. The only thing was that Harry had to leave in April. Those months went very fast. While Harry, Paul, Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Louis packed that last week of March. Perrie, Demi, and El took me shopping. When I got home the house was decorated and cleaned up. Harry and the boys came out in tuxedos. He got down on one knee and asked for my hand, I said of course. His exact words were "Cheyenne, you're beautiful and even though we've only known each other for six months and have only dated for five of them, I feel so close to you. I really want to marry you and want you to come back to England with the lads, the girls, Paul, and I. What do you say? Cheyenne, will you marry me?" I screamed "YES!!" and didn't care who heard. I mean THE Harry Styles asked me to marry him! Harry and my parents must've already talked because my parents were sitting there all dressed up with tears in their eyes. March twenty-first is my eighteenth birthday, which just past. April eleventh is when Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis, Demi, El, Perrie, Paul, and I left for England. Harry decided he wanted to get married in England. We weren't getting married until May twenty-first. My family came out in the first week of May. After my wedding, my mom and dad left two weeks later. Harry and I honeymooned in Paris ! I loved every moment of it. In November, Harry and I were expecting a beautiful baby girl named Darcy. I was already five months pregnant. After those four months passed, Harry and I were blessed with twins. One girl named Darcy and one boy named Travis. They were welcomed into the world with the great big families of mine and Harry's. Not to mention their uncles and all of their families. Darcy grew up to be a cheerleader and impressive chemist. Baby Travis, who was three minutes younger, grew up to be a scientist and singer. He was very famous just like his daddy. After our kids grew up and moved out, Harry and I were very content with our lives. Harry had retired from One Direction at the age of twenty-five same as the other boys. But Harry was the main one who wanted to break up. Everyone had their own children and wives. Niall married Demi and they had three kids, two boys and one girl. Their names were Darious, Greg, and Demetria. Louis married El , they had one kid. Her name was Dani. Liam married a beautiful young lady named Valerie. Who happened to be my best friend when Harry fell in love with me. They had two kids, two girls. One named Victoria and the other name Jasmine. Zayn married Perrie. They hadn't had any kids yet. But were expecting. The boys broke up in 2019. All the Directioners were heartbroken but understood that the boys on the stairs grew up to be very handsome young men who had children and wives of their own. In the seven years I knew Harry in real life, we had been through so much together. Hate, marriage, children, concerts, and more importantly loving each other. I loved every moment. Niall still was my very best friend. Even after the boys broke up, they still were together every single day. Harry and I was very proud of Darcy and Travis. I'm glad that Harry had noticed me. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2012 ⏰

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