Chapter 1

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Today was the first day of high school for Izuku and to say he wasn't incredibly nervous, would be a lie. He was beyond nervous, he was terrified, anxiety-filled, felt sick to his stomach. Yes he was nervous but inside he was excited. You're probably wondering, well what happened to him? How is he? Well here is his story. Every feeling, memory, heartache, thought, pain, happiness, will be told and brought to light. 

The sound of a blaring alarm can be heard in a room that has red walls with black trees painted on them. A single queen-sized bed next to a window and a desk against the far wall. Some instruments and an untouched microphone next to it. A pale hand slams down on the annoying alarm clock, breaking it in the process. Izuku sits and lets out a silent huff while glaring at the broken clock. He gets up and stretches then grabs his uniform before walking to the bathroom to shower. After his short shower, he gets dressed then goes back to his room and grabs the broken clock along with his bag. He walks downstairs to see his dad and papa in the kitchen. He walks up to his papa and looks down while handing him the broken clock before signing, "I'm sorry Papa, I broke another one." His papa just smiles and ruffles his hair and pats the seat next to him. "It's ok Izuku. We'll buy you a new one after school alright?" He nods and rests his head on his papa's shoulder.

Despite everything that has happened in his life so far, Izuku has actually allowed at least his papa and dad close enough to him. He doesn't trust many people anymore but when it comes to them, well he would die to protect them. They saved his life and for that he owes them everything. His dad walks in with three cups of coffee, two much bigger than the other. He sets them down before sitting on the other side of Izuku. "Did you get any sleep last night Izuku?" He just shakes his head, insomnia being something he heavily struggles with. He grabs his large coffee mug and takes a sip, closing his eyes at the wonderful taste of coffee going down his throat. Like his dad, he loves coffee and cats though unlike him he can't sleep very well. Sometimes he goes days without sleep, but he's able to manage. "Hizashi we should probably get ready, we need to leave soon. Also yes I already know about the alarm clock. I could hear the noise when you smashed it, don't worry about it. Trust me I've broken enough of them in my time too." He gives a small smile to Izuku before giving him a hug after finishing his coffee.

After a few more minutes the family of three leave their cozy home and drive to the school. Once they arrive they get out and Izuku clings to his dad's arm as they walk up to the school. Waiting at the door was Nezu and Izuku gives him a shy wave. He's known Nezu since he was rescued and has slowly warmed up to him. They all walk into the school and Izuku looks around as his curious mind takes everything in while forming a map of the school in his head. Finding all the possible escape routes in case of emergency, also memorizing where everything is so he doesn't get lost. "Izuku why don't you and I go have tea in my office until it's time for class to start? That way you don't get to overwhelmed with the morning crowd in the hallway." He looks down at Nezu then up at his dad. "It's ok Izuku. I'll call him when it's clear in the hallways. Alright?" He nods and gives his dad a tight hug before going over to his papa and giving him a tight hug. He waves at them and follows Nezu to his office sitting on the couch while he enjoys a nice cup of tea. Nezu always makes the best tea so it's the only time he will drink it. 

Aizawa walks to his classroom after kissing Hizashi goodbye and he starts setting up for class. Once everything was ready he got a travel mug of coffee ready for Izuku since he knows he will need it today. Once that's done he gets in his sleeping bag and lays down on the floor to take a nap before everyone gets here. Soon kids start shuffling in and continue chatting away even after the bell, no one noticing him. He stands up and clears his throat before speaking. "It took you all 10 seconds to quiet down after the bell rang. You need to work on that. So before we begin I need to talk to you on a serious matter. As you can see there is an empty seat. My son is in this class but he has a lot of mental health issues which I will go over right now. Along with a few rules." He looks around the room to see some people nodding while waiting for him to continue. "He has severe PTSD, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and he suffers from anxiety attacks. He doesn't do good in huge crowds and he is jumpy around really loud noises. You are not to approach him quickly, meaning you must make your presence known before going up to him. I will not be happy if any of you cause him to have an anxiety or PTSD attack. Do not suddenly touch him especially without permission. That rule is for your safety. No loud noises around him. Do not ever ask him about his past or why he has these mental health problems. Also the last thing, he is mute so as a sub-lesson in your English class you will be learning sign language. But if you wish to you can ask him to teach you but do not force him to teach you. Do you all understand?" They all nod, confirming that they understand so he picks up the class phone and calls Nezu telling him it's safe to bring his son to the class. "I want you all to be silent when he comes in. If you aren't then you will get a detention. I'm not bluffing, plus the principal will be bringing him so he won't be able to save you if you don't listen.

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