Chapter 1 The Broken Tent

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I see something. It's the new placard for the newly improved Scouts Camp.This is my first time here so I am going to be a little antisocial.But I'll try to make as much friends as I can.Ok let's get a tent. Wait what?! Everyone took a tent! Oh gosh, now I don't have a tent to sleep in:
-Hey do you want to share the tent with me?
What should I say? Yes or No?
-Yes, thanks!
-No problem! By the way, I am Luke! What's your name?
-James, but the tent is broken!
-Yeah, theybroke it. But it's ok!
And that's it.I got to sleep in a broken tent for the rest of the camp.

"Scouts" By Ivanov LucaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum