you got a name new kid

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I was just a regular bully I wedgied nerds I hit on girls normal stuff and one day I went to school and I'm goin around and I see a new kid wearing ripped up black skinny jeans and an oversized black hoodie with the hood up I walked over and tapped him on the shoulder he ignored me he just changed the song he was listening to and kept walking so I moved on and pantsed a nerd when he tried to ask out a cheer leader later during the day I bumped the kid from that morning and he fell a little bit catching himself on a wall he glares at me and flips me the bird and I notice his nails are painted pink but he moved away before I could notice anything else i finally cornered him in the bathroom
Bully: hey you I've been messing with you all day cause I'm the biggest and baddest bully in this school and I wanna know something
Joey: what
Seth: you gotta name fag
Joey: it's Joey you dipshit
Seth: why are your nails pink fag
Joey: why are yours caked in dirt or is that shit from you digging in your ass like a fucking retard
Seth: fuck you (pushes Joey backwards)
(Joey gets back on his feet quickly and puts up his fists) joey: wanna fight dipshit
Seth: yea ima put you in your place you fag
(Seth grabs Joey and throws him into the wall Joey falls long enough for Seth to get behind him) Seth: I'm gonna put you in your fucking place fag (seth grabs the waistband of Joey's underwear and pulls revealing there a pair of blue girls panties) Seth: I knew you were a fag your wearing girls underwear
Joey: shut up and let go of me dipshit
Seth: (pulls harder) what did you say dyke
Joey: (bites his lip to hold back a moan. (fuck he's so strong but it feels so good) I said let go
Seth: make me (Joey trys to stand making it look like he'll fight back) Seth:(pushes him back down) Seth: your goin nowhere dyke
(Joey: no im not daddy your too strong. N-no I can't say that) Joey: ahhh stop it
Seth: nah I think I'll do something more fun (let's go) fix your situation there then I'm taking you somewhere Joey: why should I listen to you Seth:(grabs his throat and pushes him into a wall) because I'm king in this school and your just one of my subjects Joey: I was gonna fix it anyway(walks over to a stall) Seth: where are you going I said fix it not hide and fix it Joey:(puts up hood to make it look like he doesn't care as he pulls down his pants enough to fix his panties) god maybe your the gay one for watching me do this Seth: shut it dyke(looks Joey up and down his legs are clean shaven too he's kinda cute and thicc as fuck) Joey: now I'm done can we go cause clearly your not gonna let me just walk away Seth: your finally realizing you have no power against me. smart Joey: (crosses arms) whatever Seth: come on it's go time. Seth walks Joey down the hall staying close to make sure he doesn't run Seth:(I think he's a femboy I mean based on the tight skinny jeans and his legs and the panties he's wearing plus he has long hair and he paints his nails) Joey: where are we going Seth: in here (pulling Joey into the girls locker room and back to the showers) now I can really let you have it you femboy Joey: what I'm not a...(omg he figured it out finally he's really clueless but his chiseled features make it all fine)... femboy Seth: you definitely look it I mean your legs are shaved you wear skinny jeans you have long hair and your nails are painted (not to mention those cute panties. Don't say that)and your girls underwear Joey: Seth can I be completely honest with you Seth:(furrows his eyebrows and sits on the bench) sure I guess Joey: (blushes pretty hard and takes off his hoodie revealing a light blue crop top and his long black hair with blue and purple tips then takes a headband out and puts it on) your completely right I'm a femboy and I was really nervous to be myself today cause I thought people would make fun of me but here I am facing a bully who just wedgied me till I came in my pants without knowing but I can't stop staring at you with your chiseled features dark eyes big muscler arms and I love your hair it's so soft looking.I just wanna put my glasses on so I can see you better...
Seth: let me stop you right there go ahead put on your glasses but I wanna say I'm sorry Joey I didn't know you were femboy and I didn't know you were just trying to be left alone I actually have a lot of respect for you because your brave enough to be yourself in this way and I wanna ask y-you if we can start over I think your really cute and I want to stop bullying people and start repairing the bridges I've burned (figuratively speaking) if you want to give me a second chance I'd be glad to get to know you I just wanna ask something first
Joey: T-thanks for apologizing Seth I think we can definitely be friends but what's your question
Seth: I actually have a few
Joey well lemme sit down and you can start with the first one.
Seth: well first uh are you ok I was pulling on your panties pretty hard
Joey: yeah I'm kinda used to it
Seth: second would you be willing to tell me why you dress and act the way you do
Joey: well from a young age I preferred girly things I liked wearing girls panties even if just under my normal clothes and as I got older I started doing my makeup and wearing feminine clothes and shaving my legs and everything now I wear them cause they make me feel comfortable and I just enjoy it
Seth: oh ok. Well one more h-have you ever dated before
Joey: w-why do you ask
Seth: well I think I want to date you cause your really beautiful and I wanna try to be a better person starting with a relationship to you
Joey: that could be fun but I kinda wanna see you ask the right way
(Seth gets down on one knee in front of Joey)
Seth: will you be my princess
Joey:(grabs Seth's hands) yes Seth yes I'll be your princess
Seth: (gets up and hugs Joey) I'm so excited but I wanna ask (pulls on Joey's panties lightly) *whispers* dose this really get you off
Joey:(moans and buckles my knees) y-yes daddy. Seth: good I won't hurt ya but I wanna have a little fun Joey: y-you can do whatever you want to me. Seth: let's get outta here sweetheart Joey: oke im gonna put my hoodie back on tho just cause I don't want people to stare that much Seth: alright baby.
(Joey and i walk out of the locker room) Joey: its almost 3 we have 15 minutes wanna go back to class. Seth: not really. Wanna go hang out somewhere joey: ( holds seths hand) i'll go anywhere with u. Seth: ok sweetie lets get our stuff from our lockers joey: oke. Joey: (We walk over to my locker first and i grab my bag setting it down i pull my purse out and put my phone in it before standing up) im ready to go wheres ur locker. Seth: points across the hall right there i already have my stuff. Joey: oh (noticing the bag on his shoulder) well where are u taking me? Seth: Just to the park we'll take my mustang (he says as he pulls out the keys) they walk outside and over to seth's black 2007 mustang) Seth: lemme get the door for u (he walks over and opens the passnger door holding it open for joey) u can put your bag in the back if u want. Joey: oke ( puts his bag in the back keeping his purse with him. (Seth closes the door once joey is sitting down and walks around to the drivers seat) seth: (puts in the key and starts the engine) im kinda hungry do u want anything if i stop for food? Joey:(his cars really nice and he offered food this is gonna be fun) sure. Im just gonna take off my hoodie and put my earrings in okedoke. seth: thats fine (and it means i get to see him looking really cute) they drive away and down the street to a restaurant. Seth parks the car and gets out to open the door for joey. Joey: thanks (he stands up and seth gets a good look at him. Wow hes so adorible and i love those earrings not to mention his hair is long without his hood up) seth:(puts out his hand) ready to go inside. Joey: (pushes his hair back onto his ear) sure (grabs seth's hand and lets him lead inside) Seth: Go ahead and sit babe ill order the food. Joey: im actually gonna go to the bathroom ill be back. Seth: alright sweetie. ( joey walks into the bathroom and walks over to the mirror) Joey:*sighs* hes so nice. (Jack walks out of the stall) Jack: So your finally dating again dyke.(Joeys eyes widen and tear up a little) Joey: Oh no (trys to run for the door) (jack blocks it) Jack: no you dont dyke. Joey: W-what are u gonna do to me. Jack: I'll at least give you that. Now that im back 2 things have happened. Eddie has someone protecting him and i happened to find u. What do u think im gonna do? Joey: Please dont...(Jack cuts him off when he grabs joeys throat) Jack: there was never an option i always get what i want (throws him to the floor and grabs the back of his panties yanking them up) Jack: Well look at that you still wear panties like you did in middle school. Joey:*crying*Please let me go. I didnt do anything to u. Jack: But you did you backed eddie up when the two of you went to the principle and got me expelled which makes it your fault too and its pay back time. Seth:(opens the door) Joey are u in here still (sees jack standing over a crying joey) *yells* (grabs jack and throws him away from joey knocking him off his feet) Seth: who the fuck are you. Jack: the guy thats about to beat your ass(trys to stand) Seth: (puts his foot on jacks chest) no you fucking dont and if you come anywhere near me or joey again ill kill you now get the fuck out of here. Jack: (stares up at seth looks over at joey stands and leaves) Seth: Baby what happened. Joey: *sniffles* j-jack came out of the stall and he knocked me down and he told me it was revenge for me and eddie getting him expelled. Seth: its alright baby come here now whos eddie. Joey: hes my best friend and a femboy like me. Seth: oh ok well lets get you cleaned up and go eat ok. Joey: Oke (stumbles a little and stands up adjusting his clothes) They go to the table and sit down waiting on there food. Seth: *looks up* foods here honey. The waitress sets the food trays down and walks away. They start eating and Seth jokingly trys to grab one of Joey's fries which he doesn't succeed at cause Joey bats his hand away saying. Joey: mine if you want more go get some. Seth: right remind me to never try and steal your food. They finish eating and clean up heading back to the car. Seth: hey hun what time do you have to be home? Joey: it doesn't really matter but lemme text my mom and ask.

Joey to his mom
Joey: hey mom can I go over to my friends house after school.
Mom: sure just try and be home by dinnertimeish
Joey: kk
Seth: ok for now I'll take you to my dad's he's nice. They drive over to seths house and he parks in the garage turning off the engine he unbuckles his seat belt and walks around to open the door for Joey who stands up collects his stuff and steps back so Seth can close the door after that they go inside Seth leading Joey through the dimly lit garage and into the house through the side door. Seth: hey dad I'm home and I want you to meet someone. Mr. Johnson leans over the side of his lazyboy looks up at Joey standing awkwardly next to Seth. Mr. Johnson: ah you've finally brought home a girl instead of more car parts. Seth: I'm gonna go talk to him for a sec. Joey: oke. Seth walks across the kitchen and into the family room and explains to his dad who Joey is and a few other things Mr. Johnson is understanding and responds by siting up pushing the foot rest of his chair in and walking over to Joey. Mr. Johnson: nice to meet you Joey Seth tells me your his new boyfriend. Joey: yessir. Mr. Johnson: well thats great I was afraid he would marry his car. I'm gonna get started on dinner why don't you to head up stairs and hangout while I do that. Seth: it's this way. Joey crosses the kitchen and follows Seth through the house and upstairs to seths room it's a smallish room with his bed in one corner his desk in the other and his dresser by the window and the TV stand next to the bed and the walls were decorated with posters of cars and a pirate flag and a big dragonball poster spanning across the wall. Joey: nothing about your room suprises me. Seth: yea its a little boring wanna watch some TV? Joey: Sure. They sit on the bed and Seth turns on the TV going to Netflix but before he can ask what show Joey wants to watch Joey is already asleep on his chest so Seth turns on reruns of dragonballZ lays back and falls asleep.
An hour goes by.
Dad: hey Seth did you and Joey fall asleep. Seth: huh oh yea sorry we'll be down in a sec. Dad: alright I made burgers and fries. Seth: awesome. Seth: babe babe baaaaaabe. Joey: huh what oh right food. Seth: yea time to get up. Joey: oke. They get out of bed and head downstairs Joey follows Seth to the table and they sit down Mr. Johnson calls from the kitchen whatcha want to drink Seth: Gatorade Joey: water is fine. Mr. Johnson: ok y'all can go ahead and eat if you want I'll be over there in a second. Seth dishes out Joey and his food. Seth: do you want fries or doritos? Joey: fries. Mr. Johnson walks into the dinning room and sets down Joey's cup of water and a blue Gatorade before taking a seat at the head of the table and getting his own food. They eat and talk about there days Joey and Seth modify there descriptions of the day so it's a little more tame and Mr. Johnson talks about his day job at mechanics and soon enough dinners over. Seth: I'm gonna go ahead and take Joey home his mom said to have him home after dinner. Mr. Johnson: nice meeting you Joey. See ya when you get back Seth. Seth: yep see ya Dad. They walk out of the house and back to the car Joey gives Seth the directions to his house and they set off Seth pulls into the driveway and puts the car in park. Joey: thanks for driving me. Seth: of course. Do you want me to drive you to school tomorrow? Joey: yea sure. Love you. Seth: love you too baby. Joey gets out of the car and grabs his stuff and waves at Seth before going inside.
Joey: mom im home. Ms. Robinson: hey how was school. Joey: pretty good I met someone today and he's nice. Mom: Oh is he just a friend. Joey: well no he asked me out and I'm excited about dating again. Mom: just be careful ok sweetie. Joey: I always am Mom. Anyways I'ma go upstairs later. Mom: ok I'm making spaghetti for dinner. Joey: cool i love spaghetti. Mom: I know honey.
Joey goes upstairs and lays down 20 minutes later his sister Elaine knocks at the door to tell him dinner is ready and they go down stairs eat and talk and then clean up from dinner and go to bed.

Sorry this one was down for a while I rewrote some of it and added stuff cause it was too short before

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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