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A 15 year old girl Hyun lived her life in Bangalore with her family. She is the only girl born in black color in her family.Early from her childhood age she faces a lot of discrimination because of her color.Still no one notices her pain and depression she has all her days.She has a bright smile which is more contagious and powerful eyes, where no one can make a direct contact with her eye. Her teeth and eyes sparkles like a glittering star which grabs most of the people's attention. 

She was studying in her 11th grade. She has only one friend sweety in her class. She is her strength as well as her weakness. Sweety knows more about Hyun than herself. She is the one who motivates her to pursue things which she likes to do in her life besides her color. In her childhood days Hyun undergone many bullying because of her color. She has no self-confidence because even her family didn't spare her time to boost her up. Sweety was the one who motivated her and groomed her to become a girl with full of confidence. Whenever she faces problem she made a stand for herself among the classmates and colleagues in her school. 

It was an one fine day, everyone rushed to the school. Teacher announced everyone about the Oral competition that is going to be inter-school level. Hyun's dream is to become a speaker who wanted to motivate and counsel the person who lives like her in the world. Everyone gave their name for the competition and Hyun volunteered herself to give her name. But her cunning classmates degraded her for her look. Classmate taunted her by telling her she has no class and beauty to represent our school. You don't have photogenic face and etc. She took a stand for herself and gave a reply by telling them 'Talent's aren't defined by the color'.Let's have a fair competition, she replied to them. With the help of Sweety she started to prepare for the speech and was bit confused in selecting the topic. Everyone seems to choose a usual topic. Apparently, Hyun wanted her topic to unquie among them which should be more lively. Day passed by she couldn't select the topic and barely she had her sleep. Next day morning, everyone told their topic to the teacher, then the teacher asked her about the topic she has chosen.Surprisingly, she told her topic as "SELF LOVE SAYS NO TO DEPRESSION". The topic itself has the depth meaning. Sweety was shocked to hear the topic and she gave her thumbs-up. While preparing for the speech she made herself as an example, which made her to analyze her inner self more. She developed more confidence. She felt happy for delivering the speech that depicts her life story.

Day of Competition:    It was the day of competition. All participants gathered in the place where the competition to be held. Hyun felt nervous because it was her first competition she is participating in her life. Sweety encouraged her a lot. It was her turn she went to stage and started to deliver her speech. While orating it she had a tears in her eyes. After her part has been completed everyone applauded her a lot which made her to cry a lot. She explained how self love can remove depression in our life. Loving our-self will make us to develop our inner confidence and motivation. It makes us to fight for our dignity. Will make us an optimistic and not a pessimistic person.All these together will close a gate for the depression in our life. Her every points made a remark in each one's heart. She felt happy for expressing her feelings and inner self to everyone. 

Self love is the most beautiful thing where no one does it. Self love makes us to remove toxic people who tries to bring us down. It makes our inner beauty to shine like the moon. It takes to prove impossible to be possible. It is the root to everything.

There was a person who got more attracted towards her speech. He is considered as the most handsome boy in his school. He tried to contact her to congratulate her but resulted in vain. Because all her classmates told bad about her to him where she witnessed their conversation. He just gazed at her and left the place. Hyun told her parent's about her speech but her siblings made a fun of her which hurts her most. She looked through the window and glanced at moon and thanked for always being with her and removing the darkness in her life. She had a wide smile that hides her pain back at it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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