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(This is a story based apon, if I never met my boyfriend, Devin, in a fantasy AU.)

Ezekiel's P.O.V

Why...why is everyone waking up with soulmates!? My birthday was yesterday and my soulmate's name failed to appear!!! Is it late??? "Who's your soulmate, Nolan?" Asks my friend next to me. "Danica." Nolan whispers. I sigh. I look at the seat where nobody sits, in front of Danica. "Will I ever know....?" I ask myself. "Maybe it's a scenario where you pick?" My friend asks. "No..." I answer. I get up to skip the class. I walk out the door and leave. I feel my chest start to close in, I feel pain. I cant anymore. I'm done. My soulmate will never be found. No matter how much I try, she will never exsist. Tears form and run down my face. I wish I could have someone I can call mine...but it doesnt work that way. It never has. I walk out to my car and as I start the car, I notice a cat. I walk over to the cat and pick it up, it had scars, I hold it. "Such a sweet thing...who would hurt you?" I ask. The cat purrs and rubs its head against my arm. "You're alone like me, huh? I have no are left alone out here." I whisper to the cat. I carry the cat to the car. As I put the key in the ignition, the cat meows loudly. I look at it and turn the car off. The cat walks over my lap and manages to open my car window. "Kitty??" I ask. The cat looks at me and hops out the window. I open the window and look at the cat. The cat meows again and runs. I follow the cat in confusion. The cat runs for a while, then it stops. It stops in front of a church. "That's weird. A church I've never seen before." I say as I bend down to pet the cat again.

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