Nobody Compares- Prologue

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It was a normal wednesday morning for Katie Naston. She sat on her back deck while sipping her coffee and texting two of her favorite people in the world, her best friend Cara and her loving boyfriend Jake.

“Katie, can you come here real quick? I have some great news!” Katie’s mom called from the kitchen. Katie reluctantly plucked herself from the peaceful nature world and stepped into her mother’s loud, but sweet-smelling, kitchen. Her mother was always cooking something great. Ever since her very successful music career ended, she had more free time, so she used it to take cooking classes.

“Whats the news?” Katie asked as she took another small sip of her coffee.

“Well, you know my dear friend Lucas, from modest management?” she replied as she poured a mixing bowl full of pancake batter onto a skillet. Modest management was Mrs. Naston’s manager when she was in the music business.

“Yeah, you guys had lunch yesterday right?” Katie replied, stuffing a piece of her mom’s blueberry muffins into her mouth.

“Sure did! And you’ll never believe what he told me!” she said getting excited.

“What? What’d he tell you?” Katie said rolling her eyes, expecting lame news.

“Ha, you won’t be rolling your eyes once I tell you that your freaking favorite band ONE DIRECTION IS HOLDING AUDITIONS FOR A GIRL TO BE IN THEIR MUSIC VIDEO!” Katie’s mother screamed flinging batter all over the place.

“WHAT?! MOM ARE YOU SERIOUS?! But wait, the auditions are probably private. You would probably need to be invited to something like that, right?” Katie said with her hopes let down.

“That’s probably true. But I could call Lucas later and get you in. He tells me all the time how he thinks you’d be a great model, so he’ll probably work some things out for you,” she replied.

“Okay! That sounds great!” Katie said giving her mom a quick squeeze.

“You’re welcome,” Mrs. Naston said, pretty pleased, “oh and auditions are this Saturday. So if Lucas is able to pull some strings, you have to bring in headshots to the audition with you, and they’re going to ask you to model and act a bit.”

“Oh great. You might as well not even call Lucas anymore,” Katie said gathering her school stuff.

“Don’t say that. You would make a wonderful model! They’d be lucky to have you in their damned video,” Mrs. Natson replied, kissing Katie’s forehead.

Katie rolled her eyes, “you’re funny. Alright I better head off to school now. Don’t wanna be late!” and with that she grabbed her car keys off the table and left.


“OW! You’re giving me a heart attack, getting over yooou!” Katie sang at the top of her lungs on the way to school. She thought over the conversation her and her mom had just a bit ago at home.

“What if I really get to be in the music video?” she thought out loud, “nah that’s not going to happen,” she mumbled as she pulled into her parking space.


“Hey beautiful,” a voice said from behind Katie as they covered her eyes with their hands. She stumbled a bit, nearly into her locker.

“Hmm, who could it be?” Katie joked as she turned around to kiss her boyfriend, Jake.

“How’s my baby’s morning going?” Jake asked as he pecked her cheek.

“Great actually! So one of my mom’s old friends from her management had lunch with her yesterday, and he told her that One Direction is inviting girls to audition for their music video, so my mom is gonna try and pull some strings and get me invited to the audition!” Katie squealed excitedly.

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