Chapter 1: Tobirama and Izuna Meet Again

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8:00 - Konoha Academy

Umino Iruka looked over the new class of academy students. There were several important clan heirs in this specific class, but also a fair few civilian children as well.

As Iruka was about to start class, one last student walked into the classroom wearing an odd blue jumpsuit that had fur at the collar. This student is Uzumaki Naruto and he almost tripped into the classroom before sitting in the seat next to the youngest Uchiha to enter the academy.

"Hello," said Naruto, "My name is Uzumaki Naruto, and you are?"

"Uchiha Sasuke."

Naruto smiles and quickly slips a piece of paper over to Sasuke:

Sasuke looks down at the paper, looks at Naruto's face and attire, then wrote his response:
'Hello again, Tobi.'

After that, the two paid attention to the rest of class and afterwards, Naruto followed Sasuke home to the Uchiha compound to discuss why they were reborn and why Hashirama wasn't with them.

16:00 - Uchiha Compound

The duo walk into the main building of the compound to find a 13-year-old Itachi returning from an ANBU mission. 'Perfect' thought Sasuke as they approached.

"Ani! Can we talk to you?"

Itachi looked over at his otouto and was slightly confused as to why the Jinchuuriki was with him, but beckons them to follow him towards his room.

Once inside and a silencing seal was applied by surprisingly Naruto, they all sit down on the floor.

"What is it otouto?"

"Well, Izu-chan and I were wondering if you think since the three of us have been reborn, if my ani has been reborn as well?" Tobirama asks in blunt manner.

If Madara was surprised, he didn't show it as he responds in the positive. "I may have found Hashirama already. Also, since Tobirama is around, I feel better about my latest orders. It appears that I was right all along and the Uchiha are planning a little coup. I have been ordered by Danzo to slaughter all of the Uchiha except for Sasuke. I will try to confirm if Hashirama is here and alive when I the organisation called Akatsuki. Both of you need to watch out for each other when I leave. Understood?"

He received two nods and then Tobirama and Izuna left to go train before they were needed to play their part in the aftermath of the massacre.

23:00 - Konoha Hospital

Naruto was currently sitting by his friend's bedside, ignoring everyone trying to shoo him. The Uchiha's were gone, Itachi left for Akatsuki, and Sasuke recovering and asleep. Naruto or more so Tobirama had a lot to think about. It was discovered that someone else claimed to be Madara. The real Madara told Izuna to be careful before knocking him unconscious.

Things were going to get complicated it seemed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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