Chapter 32

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Lauren's POV


Camila and I quickly got ourselves cleaned up, dressed and made our way down the stairs to be greeted by Camila's mother. She stood in the doorway of the kitchen and smiled gently at us both.

"Hey girls," she simply said. "I'm going to make some food soon."

We both smiled and nodded at her, we didn't have much energy left. We walked over to the couch and sunk into a comfortable position. Camila leaned forward, picking up the TV remote and switched through the channels and stopped on a quiz show. She sat there, enticed by the programme, shouting out answers which were mostly wrong. Whilst she was fixated by the show, I was fixated by her soft sigh when she got the question wrong.

"I've got to take this," I said to Camila gesturing at my phone ringing.

"Okay," she replied whilst her eyes were still locked on the TV screen.

I went outside of her house and stood in the front drive and answered the phone call.

"Hi dad."

"Hey Lauren," my dad responded. "Where are you?"

"I'm at Camila's."

"I need you to come home soon," he insisted. "Me and your mother have had an argument and she's gone. I want to go find her and need you to stay and watch the house."

"I'll be right over," I quickly answered and put the phone down.

I covered my face with my hands and rubbed my eyes to feel a little refreshed. I made my way back into the house and went into the living room to explain to Camila that I would have to go home. She understood and even offered to accompany me which I politely declined as I feel it was something I must sort out alone. I then entered the kitchen to apologise to Sinu that I wouldn't be able to stay for the food and promise I'd make up for it.


When I got home, my dad was already sat on the steps of the entrance to my house. I instantly hugged him and could feel the tension in his body, I hugged him a little tighter. He gently placed his hand on my shoulder, quickly kissed my forehead and made his way towards his car and drove off hastily. I waved him down and then entered my house.

The downstairs was quiet and empty meaning Taylor and Chris were upstairs or out, most likely unaware of the current situation - it was better that way. The arguments that my parents had never lasted more than an hour hence why I wasn't so worried. I knew it would blow over as it always does; they get upset and within the hour, someone apologises. The same routine every time.

I made the most of having the time to myself. I made myself food and relaxed, watching the 'quiz channel' that Camila was most probably watching at home. I knew she'd be hazarding a guess at the answers, so I figured I'd do the same. I was surprisingly good and thought of what I'd do if I won the £10,000 game show prize money. When I start thinking like this, I really can convince myself that I can do it: it's dangerous. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the vibration of my phone: it was Camila.

'Is everything okay at home? I love you and I'm always here when you want to chat. Text me when you get the chance.'

I smiled at the text and replied with a quick update and an 'I love you'. I just wanted to distract myself with the game show and try to forget what was happening at the moment. The arguments were never serious but nobody wants their parents to argue.

I decided to call my dad.

"Hey," I started. "Did you find her?"

"She's with me now," he responded happily. "It's all okay Lauren, don't panic. Thank you for coming home and staying there for me."

"Don't thank me, I'll see you at home."

10 minutes or so passed and the front door opened and my parents strolled into the house. They came into the room and smiled at me, I smiled back reassuringly. My dad sat down next to my mum and placed his palm on her knee and his other arm around her shoulder. It's so crazy how love alters a persons behaviour towards the other so quickly. You go from hating each other to loving each other in a matter of minutes.

"So," I start, breaking the ice, "What happened?"

"It doesn't really matter, it's all okay now."

"It does matter," I angrily bite back.

I admit, I was tired from the session with Camila and that affected my mood. I was also fed up of the petty arguments and the coming home to house-sit whilst my dad searched for my mum, knowing she'd come home happy as ever. I appreciate arguments form between couples as a regular and natural component of a relationship, but, this wasn't like my parents. It wasn't an occurrence that was consistent in our lives previously and I am sure hoping it doesn't become one.

"Okay," my mum whispered whilst looking down and holding my dads hand. "We have just been disagreeing on a lot of things recently, it isn't that big of a problem. Your father wants one thing and I want another. We aren't seeing eye to eye and that's causing small, minor issues between us both. It's nothing serious and everything is fine. We promise."

"I see."

"We love you kids more than anything and we wouldn't let this harm our family," she convinced me but I think it was herself she was trying to convince.

"What disagreements are you having?"

"Well, your father wants to stay here and I want to move to another place, you know," she pauses to check my reaction. "Somewhere where we can try something new, experience new things. Wouldn't it be nice for us to have different jobs or attend a different school? You know, see life and attempt new things."

I just sat in shock and really couldn't get any words out of my mouth.

"I like it here," my dad defends his idea. "I like my job, I like the people I work with and I like my hometown. It's a great place and I am comfortable here. Don't you agree Lauren?"

"Of course I do," I nodded at his response. "I don't want to move anywhere else. I have friends here and I..."

"Camila could come," my mum interrupted.

"Don't use that to get her to think otherwise," my dad said angrily. "It isn't fair. She has a mind of her own and it isn't right to persuade her to choose an option by blackmailing."

"Stop," I shouted before my mum could argue back at my dad. "Dad's right, he's one hundred percent right. I love Camila and not only is she my girlfriend, she's my best friend too. But, I like it here for other reasons too. My friends are here, my school is here. I have so many memories here and I love this house. I like the idea of seeing new experiences but I don't like it enough to want to give up my life here."

I started to feel myself well up and lose control, the tears started to gently stream down my face. I was tired and I was upset. I got up and exited the room as quickly as possible, walking towards the stairs to go into my bedroom. I needed to be alone to process what had happened, I didn't want to talk to anyone. I thought long and hard about what my mum had proposed and couldn't understand why she wanted to move. She loves it here, well 'loved' I guess.

I had managed to calm myself down and decided to think about the proposal of moving to another place, country even. I started to fill with excitement and anticipation. All my emotions felt as if they were being stirred around in a pot and I felt a different emotion every 5 minutes. A new school would be interesting, I didn't really like my school all that much anyway. A new home would be exciting, I always loved decorating and house-shopping. I was starting to convince myself that the idea of moving away was the best option and how it would make perfect sense.

Would it be that bad to move away?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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