Chapter 2 Part 1

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Disclaimer: All characters and events in this story are completely fictional. Even though based on real people, everything in this story is used for satire. Reader discretion is advised. 

"Well Duncan, we're finally done with all the paperwork. Time to go back to travelling!"

It's been 2 years since our 'heroes' fought and killed Chloe, and multiple wars broke out in this time. Bram and Duncan served at the eastern border of Drancc, fighting for their country against the up marching army of Dalkmar, the big threatening country in the east. This made them war heroes and they even got a war veteran's medal.

"Yea, I wonder how our friends are doing. You think they're still alive?" Duncan asked. "Yes, I think so. If I recall, We were the only ones at the eastern frontline. Devon and Robs were in warzones, but they both won their wars. They should be alive." Bram answered. "Well, are we going to visit them, then?" "Probably, but first I want to go back to Sensei's dojo. Last time we were there, the monks appointed me apprentice-master under Master Gerestein, and overseer of Sentel-Sensei's dojo. I want to check if it's still standing."

After Bram and Duncan checked to see if the dojo was okay, they set out for Wieria. Once they got there, Duncan couldn't believe his eyes. "Wh- what happened to this place? It's huge!" "Well, during the wars, Wieria fought for independence from it's country, and won. It's now a self-sustaining country." Bram explained. "Then what happened to Devon?" Duncan asked. "If I read the reports correctly, he has his own coffeeshop in the new capital, and it's quite successful."

Once they got to the coffeeshop (which was called 'De Stomerij'), they went inside and asked to see the owner. The cashier didn't want to let some random strangers through, but then saw the war medals and let them in the backroom. There, they saw Devon with a fat blunt in his mouth typing away at the computer. He looked up, and his face cleared up. "Hey guys, have a seat!" he exclaimed. After some catching up, Bram's phone started to ring. "One second" he said, and picked up the phone.

"Hello Bram? This is Master Gerestein. I spoke to an old friend of mine just now, Master Krug, and he has felt a disturbance. A great evil has awoken, even greater than Chloe. I don't have details for you, as Master Krug's vision was very gassy, but make sure you're prepared and get as much help as you can! I'm counting on you, my apprentice!" and he hung up. "Well guys, you're not going to believe what Master Gerestein just told me." Bram said.

After explaining, and Duncan getting knocked out by Bram for being annoyingly restless, Devon called his assistant-manager, and the three set of for Mainland, to meet up with Robs and regroup with the rest of their friends.

Bram's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now