*•. {| Chapter 1 |} .•*

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Wonwoo's P.O.V

Ahhh shit, I'm late for class - I internally groaned.

I live in a school dorm because my parents really wanted me to experience the "real world", but it's full of shit. Actually, now that I think about it, I think that's what they meant. Anyways! I ran through the emptied halls, passing some teachers who questioned why I was out at this time. I arrived in front of the door, hair slightly fluffed up, glasses sitting halfway down my nose bridge with my slightly lazy clothes drooping down. I entered and was immediately scolded by my professor.

"Wonwoo, this is probably the first time I've ever seen you this late! I'm only letting you go this once but you better be on time tomorrow." Professor called out.

"Right, right... sorry professor.." I half-assed apologised.

"Also we have a new student, he's sitting next to you for now. Please introduce yourself to him." My teacher boringly stated before getting back to the lesson.

'Okay...' I whispered under my breath, trying to fix up my appearance. I heard some giggling and murmuring, especially from this girl called Hyewon, what a creep...

'He's so hot when his hair's messed up like that! I wonder if he's looking for someone right now..' she unintentionally loud whispered to her short-ass friends.

I rolled my eyes and landed my eyes in front of the new kid and I'm not going to lie, he's pretty good-looking. Not that I'm gay.

"Oh hey, you're the new kid, right? My name's Wonwoo, Jeon Wonwoo." I forcibly smiled and introduced myself to the guy. 

"Hi, my name's Kim Mingyu." He shook my hand and awkwardly murmured. I awkwardly smiled back and started to get my things ready before he asked,

"Is it alright if I borrow your pen? I lost mine." Before I could give it to him, the girls behind us loud whispered,

'you can have mine!' 'mine's free! You can keep mine~' something along those lines. Weirdos.

He grabbed mine instead, thanked me quietly, and started writing.

So this guy's a lady grabber? He must be lucky. - I awkwardly went back to writing.

"Just so you know, I'm not really into girls." He spoke up. The girls behind him were backing off, disgusted. 

"O-oh... o-okay.." I stuttered, trying to act normal did this guy just read my mind?? I felt like I was being stared at by him, or it was just me and my dumbass overthinking. After the class was finished, he gave back my pen, bid his goodbyes, and left. I was surprised, I expected a, can you give me a tour? Could we be friends? Something like that. No, this guy was actually independent. At least I thought he was.

I caught up with my friends at lunch, heading to the outside area before stumbling across the Mingyu.

"Hey, Wonwoo right? Can I hang out with you?" He warmly smiled, hands resting on his bag straps. To be honest, I was kind of heartfelt about his stance. It was hot. No homo.

"O-oh yeah, sure!" I smiled back as he nodded and followed behind us, starting a convo with my friend, Seungkwan. It was like they were besties from the get-go. We arrived at our spot and immediately started eating. Mingyu sat next to me, eating silently and casually glancing at me once in a while. It was awkward until he asked,

"what class do you have next?" 

"I have Biology," I answered softly.

"Oh! So do I! Can we walk there?" He let out his toothy grin and at that moment, I was hit with warmth and... love. It took me a little moment to respond with a,

"sure..." before staring down at my noodles. I heard a hearty chuckle before Seungkwan spoke up,

"SOOOoo guys, do you wanna go to the arcade after school?? I'm getting my first paycheck so I want to celebrate it with you guys!" Seungkwan shouted with glee.

The boys murmured in agreement before another guy spoke up,

"Is it the one further in the city?? I love that one!" His name was Seokmin, a goofball.

"Of course it is! What about you Wonwoo, Mingyu? Do you guys want to come?" He stared with slight plead and excitement.

"I'd love to come!" Mingyu smiled widely, having some of the other guys giggle at the cute grin. I sighed in guilt as I knew that my job shift was this afternoon AND I have to study for an upcoming test. It was halfway through the term.

"Well I'd love to but-" I was cut off by Seungkwan,

"C'mon Hyung! We never get to hang out with you!! Treat it like a break, you're always busy with your job and studying, let loose for once." The younger boys looked at me with pleading eyes making me feel even more guilty. 

"I guess I could ask my job..." I murmured, hearing them gasp and cheer with excitement. Seungkwan held me tightly, suffocating me.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU HYUNG!!" Seungkwan sang happily. Others joined in or chuckled at the sight. I glanced at Mingyu and he was sitting there, smiling at the whole ordeal. I panned my eyes away, slightly red. I stg I'm not gay.



I know this is out of nowhere but I hate how this was. The shit editing had me edit the entire thing to an entirely different plot. Sorry for some of the original readers who liked the old part, I'll try to incorporate some of that stuff back into this new and improved chapter. Don't know when I'll make the new chap but you guys better pray that I'll even come back. 💀💀

Anyways, peace. ✌

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