the heartless guy

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He was a guy with the most caring nature. He cared about his friends like no one could. He could do anything to put a smile an their face. He trusted everyone with closed eyes and open heart. Which was his biggest mistake.

Time changed people started showing their true colors all the bonds were broken, all the trust lost after what he did for them and what he was doing still his friends left him. Bonds broke so did his heart he lost faith in people, he lost faith in kindness most importantly he lost faith in himself.

After being through all that after seeing people he trusted the most change according to their needs and moods he decided to change himself turn himself into a new person he stopped trusting people he stopped caring for them, fighting for them, he even stopped trusting himself after seeing the outcome of his past decisions. Forget about people now he didn't even care about himself.

He started finding ways to hurt himself. After losing every bond he bonded with pain because he new thats something that will never leave him.
He changed himself into a heartless, emotionless beast. He became a cold hearted person a guy with nothing to gain but everything to lose, a guy who just lived so that he could die.
Atlast he vowed to never trust someone again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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