Golf on day 5

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"I don't know what to say, my feelings have changed. I mean not in a bad way, like I feel something different, but I don't know what to do" Tom sighed in frustration.

Earlier this afternoon had been lets say interesting, the boys learnt to ride and thankfully neither Tom or Harrison had allergic reactions, yes it all went great until....

"Right now give her a small squeeze with your leg Harrison and ask her to trot" "wow yes that's lovely" y/n was smiling at Harrison and he was smiling back.

Tom didn't know what to say, why was Harrison getting all the attention all of a sudden.

"Right I'm going to try now" He huffed.

"No no, just wait. He's a very fast horse you need to take it slow" y/n called

Tom being Tom well, do you think he listened,

"Tom just listen to her" Harrison called softly.

Suddenly something just clicked inside of Tom and he swore if Harrison had told him to do anything, he would've done it. He didn't what had come over him, it was like Harrison had taken control of him except he hadn't done anything except say "listen to her." Tom stopped immediately.

"Alright, let's try again then" y/n called taking a deep breath.

"Give him a small squeeze and a small click."

Tom did exactly that and Bene broke into an amazing flowing trot, Tom could see Harrison smirking in the corner.

"Ok now you both know the basics and you're not trying to be mental.... let's do something a bit harder" "I'm going to set up a tiny jump and go can take turns going over, then I'll raise it higher and higher until one of you either can't jump it or...... the pole drops. I won't go too high don't worry"

She set up the jump and Harrison went over first, his horse perfectly jumping with just enough space to spare.

Then Tom went over next, it was all good until y/n raised it to around 60cm and Tom didn't want to do it.

It was obvious he didn't want to say anything, but it was also very obvious he didn't want to jump. Everything was clouding his mind and the nerves from jumping weren't helping. Luckily for Tom Harrison's horse dropped her leg at the last minute and the pole dropped,

"Damn, you were doing so well Harrison" y/n called.

"Right I think that's enough, for today" y/n said and Tom nodded in agreement.

They took the horses back to the yard and took all their gear off.

Y/n was washing her horse off and Harrison was preoccupied so Tom decided to go over and talk to her.

"Hey, um I was wondering if like I could have some extra "riding" lessons, you know"

"Wow really are competitive" she giggled.

"No, it's just Haz always beats me in everything" Tom replied shyly.

"How come you're allowed to call him Haz?" She replied

"I mean he's my best friend, so. But anyway, can I"

"Of course, yes when." Y/n replied.

"Well Harrison wants to bring Monty and explore the farm this afternoon so what about then?" Tom asked

"Sure" she replied,

Later in the evening Harrison brought Monty back to the farm and Tom told Harrison he'd be there in an hour or so, so Harrison "left" supposedly!

"Right which horse do you want" y/n asked,

"The same horse is fine" Tom replied.

"So what I'll get you to do first is this, you need to trust Bene he's a good boy. If you feel unsafe give him a squeeze or a small kick and hold his mane." Y/n said

Tom nodded and took Bene around. The lesson went really well, except Harrison came back a little too early...

"Good boy monty come on" he called to his enthusiastic springer spaniel, but as soon as he saw Tom riding with y/n he stopped in his tracks and turned to hide behind the tree.

"Shhh Monty" he said to his obedient dog, who sat there quietly.

He couldn't really hear their conversation but he could make out what they were doing and talking about.

"That was great Tom" y/n said as he got off. As Tom dismounted from Bene he fell backwards and into y/n's arms.

"You good?" She said helping him up.

"Um mhm" he mumbled back.

He turned around to face her as Harrison was still watching intently. The space between them began to close and Harrison stood there hoping it wouldn't happen, but he was wrong, the space continued to get closer.

As soon as Tom's lips pressed against y/n he knew it was wrong. Immediately! He jumped back but it was too late Harrison had already seen enough.

"I can't do this" Tom sighed, "I don't know what to say, my feelings have changed. I mean not in a bad way, like I feel something different but I don't know what to do! Tom yelled in frustration.

Then it all had to get worse didn't it? Monty let out a loud bark and both y/n and Tom turned to see Harrison dip away!

"Shit" Was all Tom could manage "No no no!" "What have I done" Tom was on the verge of tears.

"Tom, you need to go get him" y/n said softly.

Tom put his head into his hands and sighed!

"It's Haz y/n, I can't just go get him" Tom groaned.

"Yes you can, go Tom!"

So that's what Tom did. He ran over to where Harrison was and eventually found him sitting with Monty in an area surrounded by bush.

"Hazzzz?" Tom barely whispered softly.

Haz didn't say anything, he just looked up and shrugged.

"I need to talk to you" Tom began

"I know what you're going to say" Harrison muttered quietly

"No, don't go there Harrison, what you saw, was wrong in every way possible, I've never been able to accept the fact that I was and still am falling in love with you" "the whole time in the short 4 second time span that y/n kissed me I was only thinking about you, and I don't know why I didn't pull away" Tom rambled gasping for air after he had said it all.

"It's never going to work Tom and you know it" Harrison replied glumly.

"But it can" Tom replied. "It can because I love you" he added at the end.

Harrison stood up and Tom thought he was going to slap him, he did deserve it after all, but what happened was the complete opposite. Tom took Harrison's cheek in his hand and leaned in, this just felt so right. As soon as their lips touched Tom wanted it to last forever. Harrison's hands instinctively moved to Tom's hair as they were standing there mesmerised. The breeze was just right and the trees and bush blew lightly. The kiss was warm and sparkly. It made Harrison feel tingly and buzzy. The feeling was like no other. Both boys just knew they were so made for each other. From the moment they first set eyes on each to now. Tom's tongue lightly brushed against Harrison's lips and Harrison eagerly let Tom in, but when Harrison tried to go into Tom's mouth, he was stopped. So he was going to have to fight his way through. Finally he did manage to actually taste Tom, it was like no other. Tom tasted like cinnamon and he smelt like fresh pine. They had a full heated make out session in the forest for about 2 minutes before pulling away.

"Oh Tom, you don't know how long.. but he was cut off.

"Kiss me again" was the only thing Tom could say.  

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