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As I watch you sleep, I remember what you looked like when I first saw you and how I felt until we became us.

For me, it was the beginning of something amazing and beautiful. And for you, just a little party that you didn't know would turn into a beautiful story of two young people, eager for love and attention.I admit, not everything was so easy. But we tried to create something out of a little hope. And we did, we created us.

You, who have the most beautiful smile in the world. You, whose sincerity cannot be compared to any other in this world. You, with beautiful blue eyes in which you can see the love you have for life. You, whose hand caresses the best in the world. You, whose hugs are the safest place in the world. You, who know how to say the most beautiful words , in which consolation can always be found.

Thank you for every moment you spent with me and showed me what true love and happiness mean.Every moment spent with you was valuable. In an argument, in happiness, in sadness. In every situation I mentioned you helped me learn at least one lesson, you led me through life as a light, as a hope, as something I have to I hold on so I don't lose myself.

And I let you go at one point, and at that moment I lost myself and you. But love is stronger than anything. I found my way to you, because even though you weren't next to me, you led me to the right path. Because you are my guiding star.

I watched you carefully the day I met you.It can be said that it was love at first sight.

Your warm hand in my hand, when we said the names. Your smile that delighted me. Your beautiful and transparent eyes in which I got lost in the moment I looked at you.Your nose scrunch when you laugh,and that little mole on the tip of your nose.Your warm smile that can melt any sadness and pain in an instant.The way you become shy when someone compliments you,and then your cheeks get a soft pink color.The way you play with your fingers when you're nervous,and the way you run your fingers through your hair when you're frustrated.How happiness is seen on your whole face, when you are pleasantly surprised and hear the good news.You got me on first sight.

Thank you for making me feel beautiful next to you. Even in the morning when I look shaggy and bloated, I wake up beautiful next to you.  

Thank you for feeling a sense of belonging to someone. For the feeling that I am building something, and it is getting bigger and more beautiful. Others demolished and trampled everything I built in half.Thank you for having so much patience and for using nice words when you talk to me.Thank you for showing me to the whole world and for being proud of me.

Thank you for supporting my ideas, and helping me find the best way to come up with solutions. Even when something is impossible, there are your magic words to tell me to keep going and that one failure does not mean failure for life. One failure means motivation and the desire for the next thing to be successful. That if you lost the battle , you didn't lose the war.

Thank you for being patient with me, for understanding me or at least trying to understand me in various situations.

Thank you for the last thing I hear when I go to bed to sleep is your ''good night, I love you'', and in the morning when I wake up ''good morning, beautiful''.

I love our morning routine, which starts with kisses, nice words, cuddling and sometimes tickling (you start of course). I am glad to laugh with you every morning, and I have the opportunity to hear the most beautiful laughter in the world next to me.

Your favorite black coffee, with which you start the day. And your attempts every day to make me start drinking it. And me who tries to make you drink tea.Me who's trying to make breakfast, and you who teasing me.

Everything I do with you is special, and I try to remember every one of them. Because I don't  want to forget every moment spent with you. I don't want to forget any laughter, tears etc. Because everything with you is worth it.

I don't want to forget our evening in Paris, when you were drank and  you shouted in the street that you love me, that I am your life, and your happiness.You are my happiness to.

Thank you for being my light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for being my hope. Thank you for being my guiding star.Thank you for being my knight in shining armor.Thank you for being in my sanctuary, thank you for being my shining star. Thank you for being my winter bear and I  your princess. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for being my everything.

I wanted to tell you that I'm glad you came into my life. I was looking for you under every rock in this city, in random passers-by as I walked through the city. I was impatient, but you finally showed up. Nothing is accidental, and I think God sent you to me because I needed you in life as much as you needed me.

We are two puzzles that make a perfect assembly.

Love consists of one soul that inhabits two bodies. - Aristotle

Love is a game that can be played by two, and both win.

Love is a rare flower that does not sprout on big roads.
A. Theuriet

Today is just one more day as I know you. And another day as I fall in love with you again

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