It started with...

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        I walk outside, taking out the trash and it's hot.  Not so much as a humid, or dry heat, just kind of hot.  Mixed with cold.  It's lukewarm.  Anyways, it's a normal day.  No wind, not even the slightest hint of a cloud.  I wave at our neighbor, he's an old guy, not much time left, but he looks like he will take on the world, just give him a chance.  His name is Mr. Walz.  I walk back inside, but as I look to hear what a suspicious noise was, I saw a weird object in the distance.  It seems to get bigger, but I walk inside anyways.  I live with my aunt, my father left me and my mother to deal with life's burdens ourselves, but my aunt stepped in and saved us.
        "Mom," I say, "there's something weird out there."  We have my other Aunt from out of town in today, and her daughter is to come shortly.  "You think everything's weird" said my brother, did I mention I have one of those?  "What is it?" She said, no concern at all in her voice.  "I don't know, I'm gonna go check."  I go out there and I see it.  It's nowhere near close to us, but I know it will be here soon.  It's a tornado, and, maybe I was imagining this, but i think I saw... Color? It was definetly a cyclone.
        "Mom!" I yell, "It's a giant tornado."  "That's ridiculous, there's no wind!"  My aunt says.  My mom's face was pale.  "Mom?" I shake her.  "We have to leave."  She said, "try to outrun it."  "You're kidding!"  My aunt said, but she was alread out the door.  My aun't daughter pulls up.
        "Mom, we gotta go! there's a tornado out there!"  They all run, and there's a giant gust of wind, on the inside of the house.  A table blocks my way, but I fall to the ground, asleep, but I know what's happening.  I come outside of my body.
        I'm hovering in front of them, the tornado already grabbed the car, and they are right next to the monstrosity.  They look amazed.  I hear my mom say "I don't even feel like I'm being pulled."  But I see it, all of it.  The cyclone is pulling away their color, as they stand their, it eats it, getting bigger.  It takes everything, the color of it, the ground is destroyed, the grass is shades and the houses look terrible.  My family stands there.  I try to shout, but nothing comes out.  I watch as my family gets pulled into the terrible thing. The house falls apart, and I'm still inside of it.

Colorless cycloneWhere stories live. Discover now