~Baby I'm Sorry!~

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This is a part 3 to Jealous Middle Schooler. Hope you like it my lovelies. And as a little bonus, there's a surprise at the end~

Sorry, I changed this. This happens, two weeks later.

Monday, January 20th 2020

I was currently up in a tree where I could hear everything but no one could see me. I watched Jamie walk up to him with her face bright red. "Hey Glad." She said. Gladion crossed his arms. "Hey." There was an awkward silence and I was getting bored. "I wanted to ask you something." She said. He ran his fingers threw his bangs. "Go ahead."

She walked up to him and hugged him then let go. "What is Y/N to you?" She asked. He blushed. "She....She's the best! She's my girlfriend, and I love her." Jamie nodded and smiled. "I just want you to know you'll always have a special place in my heart...even if you are taken." She said, a small tear ran down her face. He grabbed her hand and put them in the middle of his. "Jame, your my best friend, I'll always be your best friend. No one can take away our history." She wiped away the tear. "I have to go apologize to Y/N. I hope she's still here."

I quietly climbed down the tree and acted like I just came. "Hey Guys! Gladion, ready to go?" I asked. Jamie stepped closer to me. "Y/N? May I talk to you?" She asked. I nodded. "Umm, I'm gonna go find Payton. See ya in a few." Gladion told me. I watched him walk away. "So, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked. She rubbed her left arm with her right hand.

"I'm sorry if I...No...I'm so sorry that I was a jerk to you...I thought you were another girl trying to break out friendship. Now I realize that you are cool, I feel bad so I'm sorry." She stuck her hand out. "I hope we can be friends, and maybe even rivals!" She finished. I took her hand and shook it. "So...we're cool?" She asked. I nodded. "We good. And I will never get jealous if ya wanna hang out with Gladion." I got close by her ear. "Just as long as you don't do anything to piss me off." Jamie saluted me. "Yes ma'am!" I started to walk away. "See ya tomorrow Y/N!" She said. "See ya!" I said.

I met up with Gladion and my sister. "Ready to go?" Payton asked. I nodded. We all walked back to the mansion in Po Town. I went up to my room, plopped down on my double bed on my stomach, and started on my homework.

After I was done, there was a knock at my door. "C'min!" I called. My blonde boyfriend walked in. "Hey babe." I said. "Can I talk to you?" He asked. I nodded, sitting up. He shut my door then sat at the foot of the bed. "How was your talk with Jamie?" He asked, worry filled his voice. "Good. She just apologized and set things straight. We're friends now." He sighed, moving closer to me. "Good." He said.

I laid on my bed. "Man am I worn out." I said. Gladion moved to the other side of the bed. "Well, that's what you get for staying up till 12:00 am." He said. I patted a spot for him to lay down. He took off his shoes then sat next to me. I don't know what came over me, I spread out his legs then sat on my knees. "We could either sleep, or have a bit of fun~" I said. He raised his eyes. "Like what?" He asked.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips. We kissed then I bit his lip with made his mouth open. Our tongues battled for dominance. He let me win, I searched his mouth until he pushed me down so he was on top of me. "So this is fun to you~?" He asked. I drooled, nodded. He kissed me tickling my sides. He then squeezed my breasts then massaged them I moaned so loud that just a few seconds later, my door got kicked down by Plumeria.

She had that look on her face that said 'I'm gonna kill you'. "I swear to Arceus Gladion, if you take her virginity, I will murder you." She said. We both blushed. I got up. "Have you ever heard of knocking?!" I yelled, pushing her out, then locking my door. I turn around. I hopped back on the bed and we cuddled until we both fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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