1) Scorpius won't let me go back in time to save Fred... so annoying.
2) I have green eyes.
3) I fell in love with the daughter of Voldemort when I was fourteen...whoops.
4) My favorite color is gray. *blushes*
5) Sometimes I put random apples in Scorp's house and watch what happens.
6) Astoria don't kill me about the apples *hides in the Room of Requirement.*
6) I have a pet ferret and I can scare Scorpius' dad *cue evil laugh* mwahahaha!
7) My father is Harry Potter (running out of things to say.)
8) I met Dumbledore and HE GAVE ME PEPPER IMPS!
10) The trolley witch still has a bit of a grudge against me, I'm very justifiably afraid she will poison me. "Now you know why I never get sweets anymore on the train Scorp!" (IS THAT HER IN THE DARK TRYING TO STRANGLE ME?!??AHHHhHH!!! Nope PHEW. Just Voldemort. Wait? VOLDEMORT! *screams and runs*)