Darian - October 31, 2014

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October 31, 2014

Marian Blyth

Alderwood Academy
Room: Dragon eating Princes


Wow, that’s all I got to say. I hope you’re OK! Wizards can bounce? I asked Madam Hooch about that during my flying classes, and she looked like she was ready to explode. She informed me to tell you the last time anyone had fallen off a broom on her watch was a first year Longbottom in a freak accident. She whisked him away to Madam Pomfrey as soon as she could, and he got a broken arm! 

During the Quidditch matches, we’ve had a few close calls, but no one’s ever fallen. The uniforms they wear have cushioning charms and other safety charms to keep you safe! I’m sure Dad’s sending a howler to that Professor as we speak. I’d love to be there when he lays in on the old coot. 

It’s getting more weird about the missing teacher. I’ve spoken to Professor Slughorn about it and he says it’s mighty peculiar and that he was unawares of such an ‘exchange’ taking place at Hogwarts. We should check Durmstrang institute or Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, they may not have been sent to Hogwarts. 

So, my dear sister, here is what’s going on with me. W.R.A.T.H has gotten quite a few applicants after the failed Willy Rodeo. We had two Gryffindors signup who claim to be the brothers of friends of the Wesleys.  Amelia thinks they’re spies, she’s such a good right hand. 

Due to Brenda’s involvement, She’s been ordered to supervise our club activities by the headmistress herself, since she felt it necessary to hand an untested deathtrap to an 11 year old without a pang of concern for his safety or the common sense to think it could be a bad idea. Brenda’s not too pleased with this new arrangement and spends half the time with her nose in a book ignoring us and the other half the meetings trying to coax terrified Hufflepuffs out of various hiding spots when she loses her temper and hexes the whole room. I don’t know who they’re more scared of, Daisy or her. 

Speaking of Daisy, She volentold five or six more Hufflepuffs to the cause, mostly bribed them with sweets or the lack of violence. Apparently she’s running some sort of protection racket with them, so I see random Huffles walking around with W.R.A.T.H armbands. Ironically enough, the Slytherins don’t target W.R.A.T.H-puffs when they go Huffle-hunting. Amelia told me she overheard a few talking about it, and are worried how sane I am for even attempting to ride a giant squid, let alone not to have been expelled for it, so I guess I’m getting quite the reputation! 

Sadly, this rep only applies up to third year. Fourth years and higher still won’t give me the time of day unless I flash a galleon. I’ll get them to respect me!

Classes themselves are going swell, Lilly and me have been top of our potions class. Severus tries, he really does, but I think the pressure of his father’s reputation is getting to him, and he’s making stupid mistakes. He doesn’t ever want to talk about it, and still keeps to himself. Lily, Amelia, and Daisy have been getting close. They are constantly talking and hanging out. It’s weird, they sometimes whisper, and when I go into the room, they stop and look at me, erupt in high pitched giggles, and run off to the girl’s bathroom. I don’t understand, but whatever. Usually when that happens, I can pull Severus away from whatever book he’s reading and we can play a game of exploding snap or wizard’s chess. 

One thing we’re looking forward to is Halloween. There are so many things to do! We’re going to have a huge feast, and the Slytherins are going to play some practical jokes on the rest of the houses to scare them good. A few sixth years have somehow gotten the Bloody Baron to recruit the Headless hunt riders to gallop through the halls and swing their swords at everyone’s neck! 

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