ch 1. n o s t a l g i c

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4 years.

The Pines twins hadn't visited Gravity Falls in 4 years. The last time they visited they were merely 14, however, they decided to focus on getting through high school. Both the twins were now 18, by the end of this summer they were going to be 19. Neither of the two were completely sure if or what they would go to university for.

Dipper took an interest in biology, whereas Mabel was completely stuck. At one point she wanted to go into music, but her mother was concerned about whether or not she'd succeed as pursuing a career in music wasn't exactly a 'safe job'.

The swift breeze flowed through the bus window, the twins, who had been the only two on the bus, were chattering away. They showed each other random things like memes (of which Mabel's mainly consisted of cat memes and captioned photos of Waddles from the last time they visited. )

Mabel made sure to check in with Soos every now and then. Sometimes Soos or Wendy would send photos of Waddles to assure Mabel he was doing well.

They wanted to keep in contact with Stanley but he didn't know how to work a smartphone and his stubborn nature made it difficult to teach him. Stanford figured it out, but he didn't use or check his phone. at all.

The bus came to a sudden stop, and with that, the twin's chattering faded as well.

Mabel smiled so brightly you could swear she was a lamp as she stood and dragged a nearly equally excited dipper through the aisle and off the bus. 

"Come on, Dipper! We've got to surprise them!" The young brunette yelled giddily.

"I know," Dipper groaned jokingly, his smile returning not long after, "just try not to run both our legs off!"

Of course, they thanked the bus driver on the way off. The bus drove away, leaving the two with only each other and the gravely, campfire-smelling roads of gravity falls. They took in the scent as they walked.

"Hey, dip?"

"Yeah, braces?"

"HEY! You know I got those removed!" The brunette yelled giggling, as she jokingly punched Dipper's shoulder. "Anyways. . . Are we going monster hunting again this year? It's all I've been thinking about since we decided to come back and visit. I really want to, it's just, do you? You're always outgrowing everything n' all. . . "

"Duh, what do you think? I'm some kind of boring dude with the brain of a middle-aged man?"

"Yeah, 'cause that's what you are!" She joked in response, the two sharing a laugh.

It wasn't long into the twin's ramblings that they arrived in town. "WE'RE HERE! FINALLY!" Mabel yelled.

"Keep it down, braces, it's supposed to be a surprise and you don't want the entire multiverse to hear you yelling!"

"Yeah, you're right. . . Let's get to the mystery shack." She smiled sweetly, Dipper nodding in agreement. 

They walked n' talked along the dirt-paved trail, the sun was nearly setting behind them.

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Dipper and Mabel soon arrived at the shack, it seemed a bit different but that was to be expected, of course. It still looked very tourist-trap-ey and blended beautifully with the forest it sat in but. . . Mabel couldn't put her finger on it exactly. The two drowned in the feeling of nostalgia.

"It's almost hard to believe we're really back. I mean, of course, we're here and all but. . . after everything that's happened when we were here and after we left. . ." Dipper stated, almost solemnly.

Mabel gave him a noogie, "Stop that! We're gonna have fun whether you like it or not!"

Dipper made a 'pfft' sound as he pushed her arm off his head.

The sun was setting and the fireflies came out of hiding, flying amongst the trees and shrubbery. Mabel gasped, unzipping her backpack and pulling out a mason jar with a few small poked holes in the lid.

She pulled on Dipper's sleeve with excitement, "Come on! Help me catch some fireflies, nerd!"

And the two continued to run around and catch as many fireflies as the jar could comfortably hold until the sky turned dark and they were forced to prepare themselves to go inside and greet everyone.

"You ready, shortstack?" Mabel asked, making sure the jar's lid had been properly secured.

Dipper rolled his eyes at the nickname, he wasn't that short! In fact, he was taller than Mabel! Which, I mean isn't that much of a feat considering Mabel was 5 feet tall and still mistaken for a 12-year-old.

"As I'll ever be, braces."

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cough authors note,, I uhm,, may have been watching like way too much tangled the series like I'm frickin obsessed dude, so uh there's maybe possibly some references

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The two casually walked into the Mystery Shack's gift shop,  taking a look at every new object- or at least everything they hadn't seen before.

And, get this, they still sold the hats! The same type of hat dipshit- I mean Dipper, still wore proudly.

That was until Soos marched in, wearing his signature attire. He had a chocolate-flavored ice cream cone which he dropped to the floor along with his very own jaw.

"Sup dudes- didn't expect you dudes to be here." He stated, internally mourning his fallen comrade, chocolate ice cream cone.

Mabel ran straight up to the shaven gopher man and gave him the biggest, strongest bear hug she could muster with her noodle-ey human arms, "SOOS!" she yelled giddily.

After her bone-crushing hug faded, Soos grabbed the nearest mop and cleaned up the ice cream guts pooled on the floor. "Man I missed you dudes," he gave a buck-toothed smile.

"Soos! What's up? How's everyone been? I mean I know we talk and all but it feels like it's been ages." Dip leaned against the counter, returning the smile to gopher man.

"Dipper, that's because it has been ages!" Mabel argued playfully.

Soos put away the mop, "Things are pretty good dudes, and now you're here they'll be even awsome-er. Come on, we remodeled the break room!" He added, finger guns raising at the end.


1028 words, written and published 5/28/2020

@VixVox 2020 all rights reserved


sorry this is so short! wanted to get the first chapter

out asap, I may continue in third person or try

writing from Mabel's pov depending?

or I can just switch it up, who knows!


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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