Introduction of Neil

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"Good morning Mr Tennant," the maid said to Neil as he awoke. "Today's a big day."
"Yes, got to get ready." He got off his bed and the maid put on his dressing down. His breakfast was waiting for him in the dining room. Neil's dining room was huge. Well saying that he does live in a mansion. He is one of most richest men in London.

Neil sat at the table as his breakfast was served by Neil's servant Smith, a smallish man in his fifties. "Jam on toast sir with a fine cup of tea."
"Thank you." he took a sip of his tea then stopped, "Where's my newspaper?"
"Here sir." Smith handed Neil a newspaper.
"I here it's the day Mr Tennant."
"Yes Smith. I've always wanted a child. I'm wanting to give one a chance to have a better life. They don't get the luxury...that I have." He carried on reading his newspaper. "Oh god!"
"What is it sir?" Smith got worried.
"It says here a house horribly got set on fire, with a family of 4!" Neil couldn't believe it. He didn't think poor people live like...that.
"What horrific news sir."

After finishing his breakfast, Neil walking up to his dressing room and was deciding what suit to wear.
"This one sir?" one maid said. "Not formal enough."
"How about this one sir?" another maid suggested. "Not my style." Neil shook his head. He thought this was going to take him all day.
"This one?" another maid showed him a suit. Smooth, smart and very formal. "Perfect." Neil smiled.

Neil still had a while to wait for his limo to arrive to take him to his orphanage. To kill time, he sat on his balcony and had a long chat with Smith. The view of was amazing.
"What a beautiful morning Smith." Neil looked over at the view of London.
"Yes indeed sir. Rather quiet for a Wednesday, don't you think?"
"Well, it doesn't seem that there are much people doing anything entertaining." Neil said. "There aren't any events coming up, such a shame."

"I could go and look on the notice board in the city centre if you wish sir?
"There's not much point now Smith. My limo should be arriving any time now." Neil looked at his watch. "10 o'clock! It's late, as usual." He was not happy.
"I better look out for it." Smith went inside. Finally, it had arrived. "Smith! It's here!" Neil shouted.

The driver opened the limo door for Neil. Inside was luxurious. A beige interior with a stunning TV and a bottle of champagne.
"Champagne sir?" the driver asked.
"Splendid!" Neil beamed. The driver poured some champagne in a glass and handed it to Neil. "So how long is the drive to..." Neil was trying to remember the name of the orphange. "Enfield Orphange?"
"2 hours and 13 minutes to be exact sir." answered the driver as he drove out of the drive.

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