Chapter 1: Evie

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Dreams, dreams can be scary and cruel or they can be a beautiful thing, a thing to make you smile, laugh, reminisce on your past! But they're also there to make you wonder, where did I go wrong? Dreams make you think things you never knew you could think. Make you wonder about the world's existence, why humans are a thing, why in the heck we are living. If we're the only living things in the universe! The list can go on and on if you really want to think about it. I however don't. Well...actually I do.

I've wondered about who my parents really were. Were they old, young, was I a mistake? Was I planned, just at the wrong time? I don't want to know, but I also want the closure. As my moms always say, some things are better left unsaid. And I guess they're right. But I just keep getting this urge to dig deeper, and grab my past by the balls! Sort of a funny way to put it, but I'm serious!

"Eve, wake the fuck up." Leon sighs while pulling the sheets off of my body. I roll my eyes curling into a ball. "Your alarm has been going off for the past five minutes! Are you deaf!"

"Excuse me, you old hag!" I look up at my brother to see him rolling his eyes at me. He picks me up setting me on my desk, he walks over to my dresser pulling out a beige shirt and black pants. I look at the change of clothes then back at him. He's treating me like I'm a baby again!

"Wear this, and meet me downstairs," He walks towards the door but stops and turns to me, "And there's waffles!" I gasp and throw on the change of clothes, throwing my hair up and out of my face. This is how he gets me. Food...or music. But mostly food. Something about it is just comforting! It's always there when you need it! But that can also be a bad thing.

I take a step into the kitchen and see my moms sitting at the table and my brother sitting on the counter. He chucks a waffle at me, hitting me in the face. "Leon!" Christine, my mom, yells. Our other mom, Angela, shakes her head at his childish behavior. I hear his laughter getting close to me.

"I'm sorry, Eve!" He chuckles pulling me into a hug. I scoff wrapping my arms around him. I look at my moms, rolling my eyes and sticking my tongue out.

 "You're so annoying, Leon." I push him away and walk towards the plate of waffles. "Let's dig in?" He nods and passes me a knife and fork. This is just what my daily morning looks like. Chaos between the family. Luckily, my family is pretty chill. We all joke with each other and will stick with each other till the end. I'm fortunate to have a family like this. One where I feel safe and wanted! I couldn't ask for anything better

"Eve! The bus!" I choke on my waffle running towards the door slipping on shoes and grabbing my backpack.

"Bye moms, I love you," I pause and start walking backwards, "and for you my very annoying brother, I won't miss you!" I laugh while watching my brother's face fall to the floor just like what you see in any cartoon. He may seem like a cold dude, who always gets in trouble but he's a softie who would do anything to protect me and our mom. He loves us, I just know it.

I step on the bus and sit in my usual seat as last year. Oh have I mentioned today is the first day of school? I'm officially a sophomore! As I was saying, I always sit right by the front with the bus driver, Rick. He's a doll. Since I'm the first student he picks up for the day, me and him always have time to talk! He's an older guy with a wife, one kid, and two grandchildren named Elise and Eleanor! I'm not that much of a talkative person with people I don't know, but when it comes to Rick and a few other people, i just can't resist! We roll to a stop to pick up all the other kids. Everyone piles on and most of them are minding their business, but a good amount of them give me a dirty look. What did I do?

"Oh Evie!" I hear a familiar voice.

 "Oh, Anja!" I look at the tall blonde as she takes a seat next to me, the smell of vanilla radiating off of her body. Today her fashion choice is quite, oh how do I put this, odd? It's a mix between cute and dark. Black shirt, with a pastel pink skirt, with dark makeup as well? "Well, isn't this look bold!"

"What can I say, I'm just confident darlin'." I scoff, crossing my arms and looking outside at the dark sky, the sun hasn't even risen yet! The bus sets off down the road yet again to pick the other bunch of roadkill.

"I wonder how many new kids there will be! You should watch out, you do have a past."

"Psh, so do you! We became friends because you said I was too scared to get into trouble. So I hit you!" I giggle while looking at her. Her face becomes very flushed, she's embarrassed.

"And then I told the principal what happened then we became friends!" she smiles back at me. 

"But people still don't believe us when we tell them the story!" She laughs softly then leans against me. I sigh and feel the bus slow to a stop. More and more people pile on the bus. Each one of them I hardly recognize. I even see a few new faces. I lay my head on Anjas, clearly uninterested.

"Oh look a lesbo couple!" Some kid yells. I look up and see a tall dude with brown hair that is pushed off to the side. I roll my eyes and lay my head back down. "Oh and she has balls to disrespect me?"

"Disrespect what? A little wolf pup who has strayed too far from the pack? Yeah I'll pass on that one bud." The asshole furrows his eyebrows. Whoops, looks like I made him mad.

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused." I smile brightly. I hear a few people chuckle. His mouth is agape. He doesn't know how to respond. Quite sad really.

"Bitch." I laugh out loud at his insult. He walks away to the back to be with his little girlfriend and friends. Afraid of what he might face if he stays here longer. It's people like him that taint the world. But yet they get away with it because they're attractive.

"Boss bitch." Anja laughs softly. 

"But do we seriously look like a lesbian couple?" I shake my head in response. I mean, I honestly wouldn't mind being in a relationship with her. She is my best friend, and I do like girls. What could go wrong? I look back outside but I notice one more kid running to the bus. He's new and he's also cute. He is tall, has brown hair, has the same fashion sense as me. I notice Rick about to close the doors to get on the bus.

"Wait! Rick, there's another kid!" I stand up.

"Oh, thank you, sweetheart." He turns back a smile. He lets the kid get on and I smile at him.

"Thank you!" He says softly. He seems shy. Cute. He frantically looks around for another open seat.

 "Just sit there." Anja points.

"O-okay. Thank you again! Both of you!" He seems so sweet. I feel the need to protect him.

"No need. I'm Evie, this is Anja!" I will introduce ourselves.

"I'm Caleb." I nod while smiling at him. 

Wait a minute."Caleb, do you perhaps know someone named Leon?" I think I know this kid.

"The only Leon I know is Leon Bennett? Why?"

"Well, since you asked. I'm Evie Bennett, his little sister!" I beam. I knew this kid seemed familiar. Now I really want to protect him. He was so sweet to me when we were kids. He and Leon used to be the best of friends in elementary school. He then moved but still kept in contact with Leon.

 "I didn't even recognize you, I'm sorry." He looks down.

"Don't be. I'm glad to have met you again. Leon would love to see you again by the way. Maybe you could come home with me to surprise him!"

"You wouldn't mind, would you?" His voice quivered at the end. He's cute when he's nervous.

"Of course not! I'm sure he misses you!" I feel my endorphins going crazy in my head...well actually I don't think you can feel them, but you know what I mean! I'm just so happy! "Alright then! After school should I wait for you by the front doors?" 

"Sure, I'll see you then." I can't wait for them to reunite. I normally would never do this, but I trust him. I just have a good feeling about him. Please don't let me down

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