Chapter 1

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Ban wakes up feeling drowsy and tired as he got wasted with Meliodas last night. He gets up and feels violently sick so he throws up in a bucket just outside of his room. He goes back to bed as he notices King sleeping on the floor instead of his hammock. "Wow, King is so adorable when he sleeps. I would do so many thi-" Bon's thoughts are interrupted by an annoyed King who's wondering why Bon is staring at him.
"Bon, why are you staring at me like that you creep?!"
"Morning Beautiful" Bon exclaims with a devilish smirk on his face.

Bon's comment makes King's face turn a bright pink as he blushes hard.
"Bon, what the hell!? Don't call me that!!!"
"Whatever loser." Bon says while walking out of the room.

Bon heads downstairs to go have some breakfast with the other sins, soon followed by a sleepy King.
"Alright guys, who wants me to make them some pancakes?!" Meliodas says while grabbing Elizabeth's Boobs.
"Sir Meliodas, please stop!" Elizabeth says while also blushing. (possible spin book for m+e if I feel like it)

"GET OFF OF HER OINK!!!" Hawk yells while dragging Meliodas to another room.
"Well, guess I'm the one making pancakes now. Better than Meliodas anyways, hah. Who wants some?" says Ban.
"Me!" Exclaims literally everyone except Gowther. (May have spelt their name wrong)

Ban already has all the ingredients for pancakes, as it's extremely simple for people to make, besides Meliodas of course. Ban starts making the pancakes, he's kinda lazy so he burns most of the pancakes for everyone, but King. He was most focused on making the perfect pancakes for his crush!

"Pancakes are ready, you snooze, you lose!" Ban shouts.
"But you burnt all of our pancakes except for King's?" Diane notices, then says.
"Ban seems to be blushing." Gowther says with a straight face.
"Maybe Ban has a crush on King!! Aw, so c-"
Diane is interrupted by a loud Ban, "CAPTAIN, BREAKFASTS READY! COME HERE BEFORE I BEAT YOU TO IT!!"

Meliodas runs in and starts eating the pancakes,
"So good Ban, but I don't think you're suppose to burn the pancake. Now that I'm saying that, why does King have perfect pancakes?!"
"Yeah!" Says Diane, agreeing with the Captain.

Ban runs upstairs before anyone says anything else, or they'll see that he's blushing and he doesn't want anyone to know he has a crush on his roommate. Soon after, King walks upstairs to the room and just sits on his hammock as Ban glances at him from time to time.
"We have a mission!" Yells Captain from downstairs.

Time skip brought to you by Hawk, the Captain of scrap disposal.

After a long day of fighting, running, etc, the sins make it back to the tavern to sleep. Everyone heads to their room. King goes onto his hammock and snuggles to the pillow form of chastiefol. Ban goes over to King and takes Chastiefol from him.
"Ban, what the hell!! Give it back!" Says an annoyed King.
Ban replies, "Gonna have to take it from me!"

Ban goes to his bed and puts chastiefol under him. King tries to grab it from under him, but Ban is too strong. King keeps trying, then Ban grabs King with his muscular arm and pulls him towards his body onto the bed.

Don't bash me, this is my first time writing!! I'll probably make a Chapter 2 soon as I have a lot of free time right now, but anyways thanks for reading. Comment if you enjoyed because I had fun writing it. There will most likely contain smut in the next chapter so I'll leave a warning for the people who aren't into that.

Diamond Fanfics

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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