Unexpected Love

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Katie Bland is a girl that has long blonde hair, blue eyes, and her skin is white as the clouds that hovered over her new hometown. All the adults in her life tell her she is absolutely beautiful. She is fifteen years old and her sophomore year at Stanport High starts today. Katie hopes silently that this is the last new school she has to move to. She had moved around her whole life and never lived in one place for more than two years.

Katie gathered all her stuff together and she was ready for her next year of high school. She arrived, and as she was walking to her first class she bumped into a boy that seemed like a football player. She fell.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you there," said the player, "Here let me help you up." He grabbed Katie's hands and pulled her to her feet again.

"It's fine, it's not the first time somebody didn't see me," Katie remarked sarcastically. She stared into his enticing brown eyes. Then, a girl walked up, with semi-long black silky hair, and the hazel eyes of a bitch.

"Oh, hey Lea," said Brad. The hint of admiration in his voice told Katie that they are a couple. Brad kissed Lea on the cheek. Lea seemed not to care, instead, she quickly turned to face Katie.

"Um, Brad who is this?" Lea asked in a disgusted voice. Katie realized she hadn't told him what her name was.

"I'm Katie. Katie Bland, I'm a sophomore and I'm new to this school," She said quickly. Lea said something under her breath, and then Lea and Brad walked away from her, and the bell rang. Her first class was biology. Katie recognized Brad. He sat in the class waiting for it to start. Katie felt awkward about her recent interaction with Brad and his obvious girlfriend. Throughout Biology she debated the idea of starting over with him and trying to make a friend. When the class finally ended, Brad walked up to Katie.

¨Hey, it's Katie, right?¨ Brad asked her. It was barely a question.

¨Yeah, why?¨ Katie looked confused.

¨I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for how Lea acted earlier," he said, "She has the tendency to be a little sassy when it comes to other girls flirting with me.¨ Katie formed a shocked expression.

"You think I was flirting with you?" She asked nervously. "I wasn't, it was just an accident, I didn't mean to bump into you,¨ She spat these last words out as fast as she could.

Brad smirked coyly, and said "Well, you're pretty, I don't mind,¨ Katie could swear he winked, and she felt her face flush with red.

Katie attempted to stammer something out, "Well I didn't even know who you were until after, I'm sorry if you thought I was-.¨ She was interrupted by Lea cutting in.

"Um, babe, what's going on, why are you talking to this girl again?¨ Then she said to Katie, "Don't talk to my man without permission from me, he doesn't need the ugly disease. Hoe.¨ Katie could barely contain the tears, and ran for the bathroom. She could not believe Lea had said that. When she got in the bathroom she went into the stall and cried her eyes out. She looked at her phone and saw a post on Instagram about her. It was a picture of her and a caption below reading,

"Look at this hoe. Watch out, this ugly freak is a man stealer, I caught her flirting with my man and touching him." She saw the hashtags on the post. They were #lozer, and #hoe.

Katie couldn't believe her first day had gone so badly. When Katie read the comments on the post, in a moment of sadness and smallness, she opened her backpack and grabbed her sharpener and she placed it on the floor and stomped on it as hard as she could.

She picked up the blade,

took a deep breath,

and cut her wrists.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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