Frederick Weasley the Amazing Flying Blobfish

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George Weasley had been experimenting with possible products for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. This would have been relatively ordinary news, if not for the absence of his other half in the trial process of the new Blobby Blowing Gum. Its purpose was to be chewed for exactly 30 seconds, before the chewer slowly morphed into a hilariously revolting blob fish.

Fred was otherwise occupied on some errand or another for their mum, and George was taking this opportunity to try to prank his twin. Of course, if asked, he was doing this all in the name of scientific research. Products must be tested, you know, and who better to test them on than the one brother who wouldn't smack him over the head. Between the twins, a simple shoulder-punch would suffice. George was really getting tired of smacks over the head.

George was done with the Blobby gum prototype, and was setting up for the beautiful masterpiece he had planned, when he heard the Burrow's front door open. He hopped out the door and popped an ordinary piece of gum into his mouth as he made his way down the stairs to the kitchen. He heard voices at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley, tea would be lovely." That wasn't Fred Weasley. No, no no, much too feminine. Unless his brother had had a sex change. He shuddered as he sauntered through the doorway into the kitchen.

Then George realized who the voice belonged to.


The girl in question looked up immediately and her face lit up. George liked to think this was because Hemione liked him better than the spitting image of himself sitting next to her.

"George!" She exclaimed, and shot over to give him a hug. "How have you been?"

George won't admit this now, but in that moment he may or may not have accidentally popped a bubble in Hermione's frizzy hair. This of course led to a long ordeal where Molly Weasley had to then get gum out of Hermione's frizzy hair. George, however, was not paying much attention to this ordeal, because he was busy asking Fred if he, perhaps, wanted a bit of blowing gum.

Though he couldn't exactly explain the odd pale peachy color.

Fred suspected nothing, trusting little business partner that he was, and took the Blobfish gum.

George watched as his brother chewed the gum for five seconds, ten, waiting til he hit the thirty second mark.

"Why are you lookin' at me funny?"

Okay, perhaps he wasn't being as covert as he thought. It didn't matter, however, because at that moment a strange look passed over Fred Weasley's face.

Their mother was vigorously scrubbing Hermione's frizzy hair, now also wet, soapy, and still a bit gummy, but paused as she saw one of her third oldest sons morph and shrink down to the size of a quaffle. There, flopping on the tiled floor of the kitchen, was a freckled, peach colored blob fish. But there was something particularly odd about this particular fish.

It had wings.

Right in the middle of its back sat two large, slimy eagle wings, feathered and brown, and starting to flap indignantly as Fred Weasley realized he had been transfigured into, of all things, a flying blob fish.

"Well that's not exactly what I'd hoped for, but in all honesty it's almost better!" George said as he admired his handiwork. Molly, however, was not amused.


Hermione watched the commotion, used to the twins' antics, and resigned to the fact that she was likely to have gum in her hair for the following hour until this mess was cleared up. This was exactly why Fred was her favorite twin. Not that he was really any better, of course; it was sort of a back and forth between whoever was causing the least trouble, thereby causing her the least grief. The lesser of two evils, one could say.

"C'mon Mum, it's really not that bad!" George tried to reason (his own brand of reason, at least). However, his dear mother, as dear as she was, wasn't seeing reason for reasons unknown. As she continued fretting that, yes, it really was that bad, Fred the Fish continued flopping.

This had not been in his plans for that afternoon. He had spotted Hermione wandering around Diagon Alley as he headed toward Flourish and Blotts to fetch the new and revised copy of Morgan Morimble's cookbook, Feasts for Large Families. Merlin knew they were in need of more than just the exact same meals every month on repeat. He said hello and they exchanged pleasantries as they walked into the bookstore. It apparently hadn't been Hermione's intended destination, but she, being Hermione, didn't seem to mind. Fred quickly spotted his mother's requested title and proceeded to follow his companion around the shop, chatting and being a nuisance. It was a gift, really. A gift his twin shared, from the looks of it. 

When he asked if Hermione maybe wanted to join him and his family for dinner, turning into a blob fish was not on the agenda at all. Hermione coming home with him didn't seem to be on George's agenda either, as the girl in question was now arguing along with his mother that Fred really oughtn't stay this way for the rest of the evening, a sentiment Fred himself wholeheartedly agreed with. He decided to take action.

Flapping his new wings, he managed to lift himself off the tiles and slowly make his way up to eyelevel of the other occupants of the room.


Not done yet, sorry.

Baii ❤


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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