Akashi Seijuro

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I'm doing Akashi because i just love the red head Emperor😆!!

Anyways back to the story

Your pov

I sat on my desk and stare at the familiar red head. I was holding a book, but my attention was immediately stolen once the red head entered the class. Yes...The Akashi Seijuro was in my class.

Akashi had a certain aura to him and it makes me more and more attracted to him.

Although we were classmates, we don't really speak to each other unless needed.

I quickly turn my attention back to my book when i saw Akashi turn his head.

I have known the red head since middle school, but he doesn't really pay attention to me at all, in fact, i doubt he knew i exist.

I sighed before slowly turning my gaze back to Akashi, only to find him glaring straight at me.

I flinched and quickly look away.

Thank goodness the Sensei came in and told everyone to settle down and pay attention to her.

Throughout the lesson, i kept glancing at the red head and at some point he turned his head and glared at me with pure hatred.

"Is there a problem Akashi kun?" Our Sensei questioned the red head.

"Yes, i think that it is really irritating and disgusting that a peasant like her is glancing at me." Akashi said will staring straight at me.

I was trembling as Akashi continued to speak.

"I am absolute...leave...i don't want to see your face..." He ordered.

I didn't move an inch...i couldn't actually, i was beyond scared!

After sensing that i wasn't gonna move, Akashi stood up and walk towards me.

"You dare defy my orders?My orders are absolute." He was about to grab me when the bell rang.

Immediately, i got up and dashed out of the classroom with tears threatening to fall.

'I guess i would have been mad too if i see a stranger glancing at me all the time' I ran into an abandoned class i found when i was a first year in Rakuzan High.

I sighed as i kept replaying what had happened in the classroom, and slowly tears start to form.

Akashi's pov

"You dare defy my orders?My orders are absolute." I was about to grab her when the bell rang.

Immediately, she sprung up and dashed out the classroom.

Everyone was giving her pity looks but quickly scattered away once i looked at them.

"Akashi kun, can i speak to you for a while?" Sensei called out to me.

-----After school-----

Your pov

"Hey Y/N!!" I turned around just in time before a huge and heavy body crushed me in a big bear hug.

"N-nebuya s-senpai...i-i can't b-bre-athe!" I said while trying to untangle his hands.

"Eikichi! Stop! Your gonna kill the girl!!" Reo senpai quickly chopped the giants head and pull me out of his grasp.

"T-thanks Reo nii~" I gasp while smiling at Reo.

"No problem! Oh yes! We are here to get you...Akashi is looking for you!" Reo nii grabbed my arm and started sprinting to the gym.

"R-REO NII! S-SLOW DOWN!!" I gasp for air once he stopped at the entrance of the gym.

"Well, we'll leave you here...bye Y/N chan!" Reo nii said before dragging Nebuya along.

I was left alone...standing at the entrance with a red head devil on the other side.

I stood there slightly shaking with fear for about 5 minutes or till the gymnasium door was opened.

And there stood the man himself, Akashi Seijuro.

I stepped back and was about to run when he said "Come in."

I couldn't help but follow him into the gym.

"Look Y/N...I'm sorry for lashing out at you..."

...I'm sorry what?...

I stared at him blankly.

"The truth is...your not disgusting or annoying, how could i ever think that about my empress?" I deadpanned at him.

"What are you saying?" I stepped back when he stepped forward.

"I'm saying...I'm sorry and you will be my empress." He said while casually placing his hands on both sides of my face.

"No..." I was unsure about my answer and i could tell he sensed it.

"Sorry...i don't take no for an answer...try again my empress" He smirked at me.

I blush a deep red and was about to say no again when he placed his lips on mine.

My eyes widened and i tried pushing him off, but his a lot stronger than i am.

So i gave up and kissed him back.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said before pushing away.

"I'll take you home, and that's an order." He grabbed my arm and lead me towards a car.

I resisted and tried saying 'No' but he keeps telling me that his orders are absolute, so i gave up and just followed him.

Maybe he isn't so bad afterall?

Sorry guys for this shitty one shots...i will try my best to make it better🙂

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