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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

After 2 months

Everything was going nice. I have to say Elijah became less cold hearted. I mean he changed little bit. He at least stop with his attitude. It's kinda weird to see him like this but this the better version of him. I don't know but I think I might have some feelings for Elijah, I know he don't even think about me. Why would he? I am just his assistant. Ugh, stop it Nora. He is never going to like you. It's always going to be a one sided love. I don't know when I fall in love with him. I cannot lie to myself. I cannot say i hate him. I have some feelings for him. He is never going to be mine. Why am I even thinking about him? Stop it. He hates me. I tried to lie to myself but it's not right. He like Emma. They are a cute couple.

"Hey Nora, are you dreaming?" I turn around to see Jane.

"What? No..no, what are you saying?" I said. She smiled.

"Is someone in your thoughts? I would like to know, I have never seen you like this, in deep thoughts before" said Jane. I turn my gaze towards the window. I started blushing. She know me very well.

"Hey, I was thinking that I should moved out after this wedding is over, what you think?" I asked. She looked excited with my comment.

"Yes, you totally should. I mean I sometimes stay with Landon, it's nice to have someone" she said. I couldn't believe when she told me that Landon wants to be in a relationship with her. She was so excited. I knew this would have happened. Both of them love each other and they look cute together. I smile at her. The weather is so calm, it's like the time has stopped. Suddenly my mom came in to my room.

"So what you think Jane? Did I get that hourglass body now?" Said mom and started laughing. Mom has joined gym so that she looked perfect on her wedding day. She had actually loose some weight. She anyway look good in everything.

"Rose, you look stunning, I wish I could look like that when I get older" said Jane. They both started laughing.

"Hey, we should go to shopping together, right? Would you like to go with this old women?" Said mom with a sad look.

"Sure, why not? I can go shopping with anyone" said Jane.
"Yeah mom, stop saying you are old, you are not that old after all" I said. Mom started laughing. I roll my eyes. The wedding is really close. We need to start inviting people and we have to buy stuffs. Lots of work to do. I want the wedding to be perfect.

"Oh are you going to invite your boss? He is a hotty" said mom. Jane stare at me with wide eyes.

"Mom! Of course not" I said loudly.

"Ok I have to go" said Jane. She said goodbye and left. Why would I invite Elijah? Should I? No he probably won't like it here. He is familiar with big parties and huge mansions, he would not like this type of wedding. Ugh, I literally need to stop thinking about Elijah.

"Ok, I have to go meet with Arthur, stay safe" said mom. She is leaving? I thought I would go to my favourite coffee shop. I was craving for some amazing coffee.

"Ok mom" I said. She wave at me and left. Well I can generally leave. I think I should go. I wear a t-shirt and sweat pants. As I was leaving the house, I got a call. It was Elijah. Why is he calling me at this odd hour? He never call me at such time. Did I do something wrong? I don't think so. I pick it up.

Elijah: Where are you? Where the hell are you?

Nora: I..um.. I am at my house.

Elijah: I need you to meet me at the nearest coffee shop from your house.

Nora: o..okay.

What a coincidence. I wanted to go to that coffee shop too. Wow, maybe he is also craving for some coffee. I laugh internally. But why would he want me to meet him? He sounded very worried. Something must be wrong. He got so frustrated when I didn't tell him where I was. What's the matter? I lock the door and walk away. The coffee shop was at a walking distance from my house. It's a very small shop but it gives that cozy and warmth feeling. That shop is older than me. It is still the same. But sometimes i hate it because the area is always busy and crowded with people. I am not a big fan of crowded places. Unless I know some people. I arrive to the coffee shop. I enter and settle down. I didn't saw Elijah anywhere. Maybe he didn't arrive still now. What would possibly he want from me? I don't get him at all. He is so mysterious and weird sometimes but something about him attracts me. I order a cup of cappuccino. I waited for him but he didn't arrive. Where is he? He is the one who told me to be here. I waited another hour but he didn't show up. I called him but his phone was switched off. Why would he switched off his phone? I am confused. It's enough, if he just wanted to waste my time then he should have told me. I wanted to love him but he always does something stupid and I just hate him more. He is not going to come. I pay for the coffee and left. I knew he would have done that. He just make my hopes high and then crush it. What was I even thinking? I was walking back to my house when my phone started ringing. I thought it was Elijah and I was super angry on him but it was an unknown number. Who could it be? It looked like a landline number. I pick up the call.

Nora: Who is this?

Unknown: Sorry, but is this Nora Jones speaking?

Nora: Yes, who are you? What's wrong?

Unknown: We want you to come to the city hospital as soon as possible. I am sorry to say but your mother is in a very bad condition.

What? I couldn't say anything. The phone fell down from my hand. I started panicking. It's like I was going out of control. Mom! It can't be. It's just a bad dream. Tears stared rolling down my cheeks. I try to call the uber with my shaky hands. I was shaking badly. How? Why? I complete lost my mind. I was having a panic attack. I get inside the uber and tell the address to the driver. I didn't know what to do. I was a mess. I was broken like a glass, completely shattered.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now