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"Honey, I'm so sorry. Your father and I are getting a divorce.."  His mother said sadly. Iwaizumi shook his head backing away. "N-no! It's all my fault right! I didn't do what I was supposed to! Mamma I'm sorry!"  The spiky haired teen ran as fast as he could away from his mothers silent cries and the sound of his fathers suitcase. His tears streamed down his face, freezing on his cheeks due to it being winter. The poor boy was cold, tired and afraid with nowhere to go. 

In the bleak darkness he saw a light. He ran faster. The local gym was lit up brightly with seemingly no one in sight. With no one to see him break Iwaizumi collapsed in tears. "It's all my fault! I should have been a better son!" The squeaking of shoes woke Iwaizumi up from his trance and he saw a tall boy in front of him. He had fluffy brown hair and a muscled build yet thin.The boys eyes looked so worried for him and that he was his own person. But, what stood out to him the most was the color. They were a bright Amber. And soon that would be his new favorite color.

My first ever fanfic in a while and as you can tell my writing has improved! I'm really excited for this story and hope you are too! Enjoy!

His Amber Eyes /Iwaoi\Where stories live. Discover now