The start of something new ❤️

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September 29,2013 < the night my life changed , the night the guy that I had been talking too for the past 2 years finally had asked me out . I saw something in him no one else saw and I just knew we were going to last ... But the complete opposite happened. You see , everything was fine when we first started dating , we went on dates , talked to each other everyday sometimes all day, he put up with my mood swimgs , was there for me whenever I needed him he even bought me things for Valentines Day , and ofcourse I was always there for him and did the exact same thing back , he was perfect❤️ . I was so happy , the only person who came into my life and made me want to keep waking up everyday , he meant everything to me & I was in love ❤️. But as time went on , I could see him changing , it wasn't such a good feeling watching your significant other loose interest in you . Then we hit high school .. All the rumors, lies , fakeness , pettiness , it was all so much . I had never been so scared to loose my love so much in my life . It was rumor after rumor after rumor , when was the madness going to stop ? In the end , he chose to believe the rumors and everyone else over me and it turnt into us breaking up , on my birthday September 9,2014 💔 . I was so upset to see our relationship go down over rumors and sadness after all we had been through and done together . I eventually drove myself into a deep depression ... crying , screaming , blaming myself for what happened , I stopped eating days at a time still hurting myself . I had no one to go to , no where to hide .. I cried all night then picked myself back up every morning for school , only to see him happly going on with his life like I never meant anything to him , really had me thinking if he meant all the stuff he ever said to me .. He eventually met someone new , a girl who really makes him happy now and does things for him that I could never do . It makes me so mad and sad to see him with her but I guess I can't be upset because she's doing what I couldn't do .. It hurts to let the person that you've loved for so long go just so they can be happy . At that point , I'm mad and upset and confused and I end up saying some
Pretty harsh things towards him , ofcourse I didn't mean them , Because I only said them because I was upset , even though he directed some pretty harsh things to me first , it just got out of hand , too fast ! Then I was like forget it all , I lost the person I thought was down for me , I'm hurting and no one understands , He's obviosuly happy without me and I'm basically a nobody ? I just wanted to die . I was so over my life and I just had enough .. 💔

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