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His heavy cladded footsteps met the ground with a weighted force. The rain pelted on the back of his black trench coat, the only sound that filtered through his ears. Sounds of traffic and people chattering while they passed by him not falling upon his selective ears.

A shoulder harshly slapped against his own as his gaze never wavered from the sidewalk in front of him followed by a 'fucking watch it', but he didn't care. His world was merely a black abyss that he found himself helplessly drowning in. Every morning he would wake up with the same repetitive thoughts, who am I, how did I end up here. There was no way out of his sick mind that perpetually reminding him of the bleak things in life. He constantly wondered why he was even put on this earth. People always said that everything had a purpose, but what kind of purpose would someone like him serve.

He sharply teeters off to the right, randomly opening a small door. He's met with the sweet but pungent smell of coffee, a blanket of warmth coming to envelope his body as he steps inside, his presence being sounded by a tiny welcoming bell above the door.

While he was decently surprised that this was the place his subconsciously had led him. Even though he didn't enjoy the taste of coffee, he appreciated the atmosphere of the shop. Maybe he could sit here and ponder life once more. As he walked up to the cash register, the small, young worker had her back turned to him. He cleared his throat alerting her of his presence.

As she quickly turned around, it was all he could do not to drop his jaw to the floor. He felt the prickle of tears forming on the outskirts of his eyes. Golden light was washing down on her, making her glow like an angel defended form heaven. Her large expressive eyes, looking at him, him, never once straying. His lungs burned with deprivation of oxygen, but he couldn't breath, all functions being tossed out the window as he stared down at this little Lotte, at you.

MY LOTTE|| Jungkook Yandere AUWhere stories live. Discover now