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(F/C) = favorite color, (H/L) = hair length, (H/C) = Hair Color, (E/C) = eye color, (F/S) = favorite style, (F/SH) = favorite shoes, (F/M) = favorite makeup, (F/O) = favorite outfit, (Y/N) = your name

            You hop up the steps in the TARDIS wearing your (F/O) and (F/SH) saying cheerfully “Good morning TARDIS! Has he been good while I was away?” The TARDIS makes a buzzing noise that you’ve learned means yes and smile “Good he listened to me for once!” The TARDIS makes a whirring noise that sounds kind of like laughter and you wander around the control room “Doctor? Doctor are you here? Its Christmas and you still haven’t showed me your list!” The Doctor, the eleventh regeneration to be precise, pops his head up out of a hole in the floor where he was working on something “Hello (Y/N)! How are you? And what’s this about me not showing you my Christmas list? I’m sure I showed you” You smile amused at him “I’m fine Doctor. Brilliant actually. And no you have not shown me your list. If you had I would have gotten you whatever was on it by now.” The Doctor scratches his head “Oh. I thought I showed it to you. There’s only one thing on it anyway.” You roll your (E/C) eyes “Doctor I don’t care if there’s only one thing on the bloody list. I want to see it so I can get your gift. And you are coming to my party tonight aren’t you? Everyone is excited to meet you. And NO hologram clothes this time. That was embarrassing enough just hearing about poor Clara. How is she anyway?” The Doctor smiles a little sadly “Her and Danny boy are doing just fine. I visited a while ago. They’ve got a little one on the way. And what’s this about a party? I love parties!” the Doctor jumps up out of the hole he was in and twirls you around your (H/L) (H/C) bouncing and twirling along with you as you giggle “Doctor what was that for?” The Doctor grins “Practice! For tonight! You will be dancing with me… won’t you (Y/N)?” You smile brightly nodding and hug him “Of course Doctor. I’d love to dance with you. I hear you’re good at it.” The Doctor looks a little confused “Heard it? Where?” remember when we went to visit Mother Superior and her whacky naked church? She told me.” The Doctor’s eyes widen a little “Oh. So that’s what you two were giggling about while you were talking back there.” You nod smiling “Yeah. She’s got some interesting stories about you Doctor. Very interesting. Well anyway vie got to run so I can finish getting ready for the party. See you at six Doctor! And not a minute later you hear me?” The Doctor nods “Six o’clock. Got it. Right up here in the old noggin” the Doctor bops himself on the head with his sonic rather hard and he rubs his head “Oww. That hurt.” You laugh while walking out the door “Try not to give yourself a concussion before the party ok?” the Doctor laughs “A little too late for that I’m afraid. See you at six (Y/N).”  

*Six Thirty That Evening*

            It was six thirty and you were mad. Everyone had arrived on time for your party. Even Dean who was always late for EVERYTHING showed up on time. But the Doctor was a half hour late. The man has a TIME MACHINE for god’s sake! You’d think he could be on time! You were dressed in your (F/O), had managed to get your hair in your (F/S), and had managed to put on your (F/M) all while cooking a Christmas dinner! And the Doctor couldn’t even be on time to the bloody party! You hear a knock at the door and storm down the hall all your guests fleeing in fear of incurring your wrath and you open the door “Doctor! I told you to not be…” You pause staring at the tall, lanky, frankly baby giraffe-like man in front of you who is in a suit you’ve never seen before, a black one that hugs his body in all the right places and a dressy white undershirt with a new white bow tie. You stare at him for almost a full minute before you finally remember you were talking and finish your sentence “…late”. The Doctor smiles sheepishly, and damn did he look adorable in his little black top hat, “Sorry. It took longer to find a suit than I thought it would and the TARDIS couldn’t remember where I had put it so I had to search.”  You continue staring even though you’re now capable of speech, but you’re VERY distracted. “It’s ah… its ok”

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