Part 1

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This is a PlueMon AU about Pluem being a wild rich kid who got shot in a bar fight and had to be taken care of at home for security purposes. Chimon is a freshgrad private duty nurse who was hired to take care of him. Chimon is now the 4th nurse that Pluem's family has hired in just 4 days. The other nurses just couldn't stand him and his cold, rude behavior.


Vihokratana Family

Tay and New Vihokratana: Pluem's parents. Tay is a successful businessman and New is a family doctor. Pluem is their eldest. Both are very supportive and cool but almost always away; Tay with his businesses and New with his hospital work.

Pluem Vihokratana, 23: A business graduate from DLSU. Took 5 years to finish a 4-year course. Rebellious for some reason. Doesn't care about anything. Makes money by managing his parents' rental properties: 5 condos in BGC and 2 apartments in Makati.

Frank Vihokratana, 21: Second child. 3rd year taking up BS in Health Sciences at Ateneo. Last year's UAAP Men's volleyball MVP in just his second year. Most mature among the siblings.

Nanon Vihokratana, 18: Youngest child. College freshman at UP. Most socially aware among the siblings and writes a semi-popular political blog and twitter account using a pseudonym.


Chimon Ruangwiwat, 22: an only child from a poor family in Pampanga. Graduated nursing at UST thanks to numerous scholarship grants and sponsors. Very family-oriented; goes home to family every weekend. Saving up money to go to abroad.

Drake Laedeke, 22: Chimon's bestfriend from UST. A transferee from the States, currently a third year Architecture student and plays for the UST Men's Volleyball Team. His family lives in the US and only visits him twice a year. He has convinced Chimon to stay at his 2-bedroom condo since he was living alone. Even after long arguments, he agreed to let Chimon pay for utility bills in exchange for free rent.


"Here we go," Chimon whispered under his breath while pressing on the door bell of what must be one of the biggest houses in what was already a pretty imposing neighborhood.

He remembered Dr. New informing him that he might only find Pluem, the doctor's injured son, and the helpers when he reaches the Vihokratana residence. The doctor, who Chimon met while working as a trainee in St. Catherine's Medical Center, already explained the situation to him. Pluem was recovering from a surgery two days ago secondary to a gunshot wound and needed a new private duty nurse. He has already warned Chimon that his son has a tendency to be cold, rude, and difficult to deal with.

Chimon accepted the doctor's generous offer: 6,000 pesos for every 12 hour shift from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday. He did not even ask for a big pay. He was willing to take care of the doctor's son. After all, Dr. New has been nothing but nice to him during his 6-month training at SCMC. He remembered the many small mistakes he made while on duty which the doctor just smiled at him for. Other doctors would have shouted at him and reported him to the head nurse.

The gate was opened by a stout woman wearing white scrubs who introduced herself as Nina, Pluem's personal maid. Chimon was grateful that Dr. New had allowed him to just dress up casually while on duty. Otherwise, he would have been wearing the same white scrubs.

Nina was very pleasant. Around 50 years old, she said she has been with the Vihokratanas since 1997, the year Pluem was born. She has since taken care of Pluem up to the present. "Son, I am glad that you accepted the offer to take care of Pluem. I love that boy so much but I have to warn you, he doesn't trust strangers easily. He has very few friends. He's only close to his parents, his brothers, and me. And that's because we have been with him all his life. Please be patient with him. If he does or says anything bad, tell me. I'll whip his butt, " she said in a very motherly tone.

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