A Hero Lost

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Logan wakes up in a wooden room, he smells noodles, chicken, and broccoli, cooking in a nearby fire outside. He is in a bed, and there is a fire pit behind him. To his left there is a small kitchen, with a teapot, and two plates laid out with a fork, knife, and chopsticks. He can also hear a shakuhachi flute playing outside. He tries to sit up, but his body is in much pain. He grabs his clavicle, and then he remembers. He lost to Midnight. He didn't save the Tanchula Kingdom from the Opossum clan. He is sad, but soon his sadness is flushed away with a deep sense of anger, fear, and urgency to help those in need. He gets up, but he falls to the ground. He gets up, but he uses the wall to help himself walk towards the door. His vision gets blurry like it did in the fight.... How long ago? It had felt like days since he had fought Midnight. His vision still blurry, Logan passed out once again onto the wooden floor.


Logan wakes up back in the house, on his bed. He is still very weak and tired from his fight. He looks down at his chest, where he sees bandages wrapped around him, and his clavicle as well. He sees that there are some crutches leaned up against the wall. He got out of bed, wincing in pain. He put the cruthces up underneath his armpits, they fit him perfectly. And they were made of wood. He opened the door and stepped outside. The scenery was beautiful. There was a tree with red and orange leaves. He looked to his left and right, and he could see the mountains behind him. He could see in front of him a valley, with tall grass and trees bordering the outside. The wind blew, and the sun was just beginning to set. He saw a fox and her cubs running in the field with her. They seemed to be playing with each other. He also saw four deer, and two bucks. The falling leaves, the sight of the animals, the wind, and the shakuhachi flute all at once created a beautiful scenery that brought peace to the feral mutant's spirit. He doesn't know where he is, so he decides to walk down the hill towards the valley. He slips and falls, when he picks his head up, he sees a man with his arms folded behind his back, wearing a robe. The man is bald, and he has squinted eyes, he looks like Osami in a way.

"Anata ha saishuteki ni appu desu." (you're finally up).

"Koko wa doko?" asked Logan. (Where am I?)

"Iyashu basho," answered the man. (A place to heal). Both Logan and the man are walking up the hill, back to the small house.

"Anata ga fushō shite ite chimamiredatta. Shi ni yukuga mama ni." (I found you wounded, and bloody. Left to die).

"Watashi no kizu. Karera wa izen no yō ni chiyu shimasen." (My wounds, they won't heal like they used to).

"Dorekurai gaishutsu shi teru no?" (How long have I been out?)

"Anata wa shibarakunoaida watashi no yūjin o nemashita. 18-Jikan." (You slept for some time my friend. eighteen hours.

"Ikanakereba naranai. Watashi wa kare o taosanakereba narimasen." (I have to leave. I must defeat him).

"Anata wa watashinotomodachi no jōtaide wa arimasen. Yasumanai to. Anata ga iyasu ni wa jikan ga hitsuyōdesu." (You are in no condition my friend. You must rest. You need time to heal).

"Watashi ga dareda ka shitteru?" (Do you know who I am?)

"Hai, uruvu~arin." (Yes, Wolverine). They arrive back at the small house, which is made of wood, has a triangular roof, a door on the front and in the back, and a little garden on the side. It is surrounded by rocks, and a little hill. As they walk in He puts the noodles, chicken, and brocoli on a plate. He gives a plate to Logan and nods his head in a forward direction. He pulls against a sliding glass door, into a small room, with a table, and a mat underneath the table. It is lit by four candles in each corner. There is a picture of a samurai on one of the walls. Above one of the candles is a picture of a tree, with pink flowers.

Wolverine: Heart of a Beast, Soul of a Samurai Arc #3: WarWhere stories live. Discover now