I got tagged

11 1 2

It's the first time this has happened sooo umm. Yay! The person who tagged me
whimsical_girl_357  Check out their books.

Ten things about me:

1. I'm antisocial. *and proud *
2. I'm atheist
3. I love chocolate
4. I'm a weeb
5. Lazy. Very. Lazy
6. I have no tact when talking to other people. What I think, I say and that's it.
7. I'm scared of practically everything, but like Horror games.   *what is wrong with me*
8. My favorite movie is " Princes and the frog" from Disney     * Don't judge me *
9. I'm a teenager
10. I'm exactly 5'0 tall.    *yes, I said tall*

I'm not gonna tag anyone       *yes, I'm a bummer*

My jokes always ruin the mood apparently. So. No

Spoiler for the only good book I have:

Alicia may or may not be something not human. I still don't know yet.

Aaaaand that's it
                                                                        Peace out

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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