hey, i haven't uploaded in a longggggg time have i? haha i'm sorry about that but just spare one minute and read this?
i know allot of people who are....who are sad with their lives, and when i say allot i mean allot.
i hear how depressed they are and why they're like this, they tell me they hate them selves, they tell me they want to die, they tell me they're fat, they tell me they're ugly. Sad isn't it?
do you feel like this? do you even care? there are so many people who say they care, who say they'll listen and guess what? they don't do shit.
if you are one of thep people who feel like this, who hate themselves get your head out of your ass and listen to me okay.
i bet you've always seen people saying "your life is beautiful, you deserve to be alive" all that... I'm not going to tell you that it's true because you wont even care will you? haha didn't think so.
i want you to just listen to me okay.
You cut? you're not a freak.
you have an eating disorder? you're not fat.
i've always wanted to know something, why? why do it? there is always a reason i know and that reason is always such a horrible story but why? it's killing you inside i know that but hey guess what you're killing your outside too. you're throwing away your life.
you could have such an amazing life, you could go out and not feel selfconcious, you could wear whatever you liked, you just smile and mean it but no. you throw away your life.
do you get bullied? you do? and? i know its difficult to deal with. to feel like no one cares. it all gets too much and its killing you but you think cutting yourself is helping? is the hurting going away with the blood? it isn't.
stop killing yourself. you'd expect me to be sympathetic wouldn't you? i am, i'll listen and it kills me to hear how people feel but i need people to know that their life isn't getting any better by cutting, hurting the selves in anyway.
allot of people who self harm think they deserve it. they think they're doing it for the best.
tell me, are you gaining anything from it all? Is your life getting better? are you problems going away with the blood? with the burns bruises and scars?
please stop, you think youre the ony ones feeling the way you do? you werent put on earth to kill yourself.
why do you care so much about your looks? no ones stunning.
why do you care so much about your weight? you're not fat. no one looks at you and thinks "eww look how fat she is"
stop wasting your life and live a good one. live a life like you've always wanted.
i will listen if you want to talk. send me a message or send me one on kik: Hollabitch
i love you, youre beautiful xxxx
if you're sad
Non-FictionThis is to all those people are well sad... read this and please just think about it? take it into consideration, you may not think so but you're worth something.