The start of everything (1)

21 4 6

Burn P.O.V

I awaken from death practice. Or well sleep, I guess.

I sigh. It's gonna be the same ol day all over again. Whatever.

I go downstairs, Pizza is sitting at the table eating what I like to call, Gay Cheerios. Or well I guess Froot Loops.

She waves, "Hey Burn!"

I grab four cold waffles from the freezer and sit at the table. "Sup."

Pizza looks at my plate, "Cold waffles again? We have a microwave!" She says

"Yea, well, I don't want none of them soggy waffles"

The microwave has a tendency to cook the waffles and make em squishy. Ew.

Pizza rolls her eyes. "Yea, yea, sure. Anyways, any plans for today?"

I pause. I haven't thought about it yet. . . "hm? No, not yet. Why?" I say, being that it's Pizza, she probably has something in mind.

"Well, Stormie has been wonderin if we wanna hang out sometime soon! And I was thinkin we could go today!" Pizza says, happily.

I take a bite of my cold waffles and think about it. "So like what kind of hangout? Like 'its one day!' or 'A WHOLE WEEK' hang out?" I ask. Last time this happened, we stayed a whole week it got crazy, so I need time to prepare my mental health.

"I wanna say one day, but knowing us, pack for a week." She replied.

Pizza gets up and puts her shoes on.

"Yo, where you be goin?" I ask.

"Oh I have work today! Seeya later Burn!" And with that Pizza leaves.

I keep forgetting Pizza has an outside job. I mean, street entertainer is kinda weird, but then again if anyone can get paid by being weird it's Pizza.

I decide to go on my computer and upload a video I recorded beforehand. I sit at my desk. Hmm. . . what do I do now? I've done my job already, Pizza's gone, I already ate my cold waffles. I mean I could go to. . .

               . . .T h e P a r k. . .

Hmm, I mean I ain't got nothin else to do. Yea, that sounds good! I'll go to the park, maybe I'll see Pizza. Ooorr I could meet someone new? Well, no use standin here I guess. To the park. . .

Or well, into the unknown I guess. . .

This'll be fun.

The Tale of a Lady Called BurnWhere stories live. Discover now