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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

You know that time, when you feel that you have lost everything and there is nothing except hope. I was feeling the same. Call me delusional, but every person belief in hope. For the first time I understand the value of time. It needs a second for your life to turn completely upside down. It was the calm before the storm.

I was shaking, I ran into the hospital with my trembling legs. I rush to the receptionist.

"Ro...Ros..e Jo..nes Rose Jones, where..I..Is..she?" I asked. The receptionist looked at me with shocking eyes. I was a complete mess.

"Yes she is admited at room 306 on fourth floor" said the lady. I quickly ran towards the stairs. I didn't wanted to wait for the elevator. I was crying. Hot tears were rolling down my cheeks. I was afraid and scared. The only thing I was thinking was, how did this happened? How? As I reach closer to the room. I saw two policemen. I was scared. I couldn't understand anything. They wouldn't let me in. She was in a very bad condition. She needed to have some surgery.

"How did this happened? I mean why did this happened?" I asked one of the police officer. That guy was looking suspiciously at me. I was looking like a weirdo, my mascara was smeared all over my face.

"It's ok mam, why don't you sit down first? Take a sit" said that officer. I settle down.

"Mam, with the forensic report we find out that it was a murder and not an accident" said the police officer. What? A murder? Why would someone do that? My mom was the nicest person. She didn't have any enemy. Who would do that? Why?

"How did it happened?" I asked.

"Someone tried to strangle your mother but when it didn't work, the person hit her head enough to the point where she loose conscious" said the police. I was shocked. the person hit her head? Strangling? Whatever the police said it was repeating inside my mind, over and over again.

"I want to see my mom, how is she? I want to see her, let me see her" I said loudly. The officers were blocking my way. I don't care anymore. I was screaming. I looked like a psychotic person.

"Mam calm down, she is going to be fine, we need to ask you something. This is a murder case and you have to cooperate" said the officer. I sit down. There was nothing I could do except cooperating. My mother will be fine.

"Do you have any suspect? Any person who might do this?" Said the guy. I don't know. I am blank. Then I remembered, Dr. Arthur. Where the hell is he? He is not here. He was not the victim. My mom was going to meet him. Then where is he? No I don't think he would do anything like this. But what if? If, yes if. Some will say you cannot accuse anyone saying if. But you never know, you never know who is the murderer. It can be anyone. At that moment I was not trusting anyone.

"I am not sure but my mom had a date with Dr. Arthur Russo and apparently he is nowhere, so I think he might have done this" I said. I couldn't believe what I said. I make dr. Arthur a suspect. But I didn't had any other choice. I didn't like him. I surely don't think he loved my mom. He came suddenly. I have never heard of him before. We don't even know his freaking background. If he had done this, I would never leave him. I would make sure he suffers. One of the officer was writing whatever I said to them on a notepad.

"Why do you think Arthur Russo is the culprit? What type of relationship does he exactly share with your mother?" Ask the officer. I didn't know what to say. Well it look like they had an amazing relationship. I have never seen them fight. They looked happy. Can really dr. Arthur do something like this? I think I might be hating him for no reason. But you never know.

"They had a good relationship. But we didn't have any idea about his background or his family, he never told us" I said. The officers exchanged a quick glance between each other. They were writing it all down. I remain silence. It was too much. I needed to breathe.

"Can you please leave me alone for sometimes" I said to the officers. They assured me and left. I was not crying anymore. I was trying to be strong, which I was not. I wanted to laugh at myself for being a stupid girl. I called Jane but she didn't pick it up. I wish I could share the pain but I cannot. Ahhh, it hurts. Stop it. I finally called my grandparents and tell them everything. They needed to know this. Nina should know. They were in complete shock. I didn't want them to take tension but I guess I cannot do anything.

I was sitting there for almost two hours. I didn't want to leave her alone. She never leave me. My mom is a superhero. She always saved me when I used to get bully, at least most of the times. She always understand me and my choices. She is my best friend and the best mother. Please come back.

After few minutes the doctor came out. I rush towards him.

"How is she, doctor? She is fine right? Tell me" I asked. The doctor looked worried. He had a serious face.

"I think I should not lie to you and give you fake hope. Your mother have...50/50 chance of surviving, which mean she could die too, I am very sorry" the doctor said. He gave me a sympathetic look and left. I loose it. Yes, I loose my last hope. When doctor says 50/50 chance it means you loose everything. I was surviving on the last hope but I guess it too destroyed. All the emotions came right back. I started crying. Some people were staring at my miserable condition but I don't care. It cannot go worst than this. It was just like a nightmare for me except I cannot wake up. How much I kick, I scream I cannot wake up. I felt the calmness. Then I felt the rising storm. The storm that is going to destroy everything. Everything turned cloudy. I became unconscious. I never wanted to open my eyes again. There is nothing to live anymore for. I cannot live anymore. I heard some people were talking.

"Is she okay? Take her" someone said. I feel they were taking me somewhere. Then I was surrounded by the darkness, completely.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now